Masterclass Professor Marina Falco (Brera Academy)

Masterclass Professor Marina Falco (Brera Academy)

Participation is free for BSA DS students, students of other universities in the Mākslas specialty and for those interested. 

The working language of the master class is English.

Students can participate in 2 ways:

1. as a master class participant who completes all master class tasks at a good level, as well as additional tasks for independent work using the principles mastered in the master class, submits a report (Studiju darbs) on the work done before the start of the session, can receive a credit in the amount of 1/2 ECTS C block (see the volume in the appendix);

2. as a participant - a photographer who films the entire master class process (video / photo materials):

2.1. 06.03. 09:30 - 11:00 introductory part;

2.2. 07.03. 09:30 - 12:40 professor's work with a model;

2.3. 07.03. 09:30 - 12:40 students' work at the master class;

2.4. 07.03. 09:30 - 12:40 model's work;

2.5. send photos as a photo book via with the preparation of a report on professional practice until 21.03.2025. (see 11.2. BSA DS DD prakses nolikums praksu metodiskie noradījumi 2024 2025 2, lpp.38., Fotogrāmata ka daļa no profesionālas prakses:

fotogrāfiju skaits nav izšķirošais radītajs, svarīga ir ideja, sagatavošanas process, apstrāde, maketa veidošana –

saturs + kompozīcija + krāsa + stils + tehniskais risinājums.

Tipisks apjoms ir no 1 līdz 4ECTS / 3LVKP:

buklets ar 8-24 lapām, katra izklājumā:

1-4 fotogrāfijas + paskaidrojošais teksts + apraksts par paveikto (foto apstrādes process, vieta, laiks).


Masterclass Professor Marina Falco (Brera Academy)

First part – 

6th of March (without nude model)

09:30 - 11:00

Duration: 90 minutes. 

Subject: General introduction to the main concepts of proportions, 

shapes, and volumes of the geometrical human body scheme.

The didactic objectives of this part are to provide an understanding 

of the simplified geometrical scheme and how to use it.

Second part – 

7th of March (with nude model)

09:30 - 11:00

11:10 - 12:40

Duration: 180 minutes. 

Subject: Analysis from the nude of the key points of the scheme, 

along with demonstrations of sketching and shaping the different positions (standing, sitting, lateral) with the aid of the nude model.


Recommended materials for the course:

What to draw

Lux: watercolor paper 100% cotton, density of 300 g/m2 of such manufacturers as DMD, hahnemuhle, Lana, Moulin du Roy, Saunders, Waterford, Arches, Canson Watercolor, etc.

Standart: CRAFT paper, A4/A3 format, test and exercises, special albums for sketches.

Than to draw

Coal / pastel / challa / black ink

A set of professional watercolors from 2/4 colors.

For example: PINAX, Neva Palitra, Van Gogh, Lukas, SchminCke, W&N, etc.

Professional series. In cuvettes or in tubes.

Professional artistic brushes that you usually use.


Tablet and palette;

Maslar adhesive tape;

soft simple pencil 8V;


water containers (cup/jar);

Paper napkins, wet hygienic napkins.

at least

Soft pencil HB/b3/b4/b5/b6/b7/b8/b9/medium → the softest/

Coal drawing/Sangina/

Markers of different wall thicknesses


1. watercolor (recommended cansonwatercolor A3 300G., at least 2/5 sheets),

2. for sketches (Craft A3 is recommended 150-200G. At least 10/25 sheets/A4 and Sketch albums)