New acquisitions of the scientific library

Understanding European Union law. Karen Davies, M.Van Munster. 8 edition, 2022. - 224 p.
ISBN 9781032071374

This eighth edition has been fully revised and updated with the latest legislative changes and includes an in-depth discussion of 'Brexit' and its implications for EU–UK relations. The book provides readers with a clear understanding of the structures and rationale behind EU law, explaining how and why the law has developed as it has. In addition to discussing the core areas of EU law such as its sources, the role and powers of the EU's Institutions, the enforcement of EU law and the law of the internal market, this edition also includes a new chapter on three 'non-economic' areas of EU law: fundamental human rights, equality (non-discrimination) and the environment.

The substantive law of the EU. The four freedoms. 7 edition. Catherine Barnard, 2022. - 744 p.
ISBN 9780192857880

The leading textbook on the four freedoms, popular with students and academics alike.
This authoritative text offers a unique balance of comprehensive, detailed coverage in a concise and readable style, providing a critical and thorough analysis of the key principles of the substantive law of the EU.
An introductory chapter provides valuable context on the governance of the internal market, its evolution, and the theories behind its key principles. Each of the freedoms is then dealt with in turn, covering goods, persons, services, and capital, before moving on to discuss harmonization, the regulation of the internal market, and its future. Diagrams, flowcharts, and tables offer further detail and illustrate key ideas and processes in an easily accessible format, while chapter overviews, chapter content lists, and a clear structure ensure readers remain on track and can find information quickly.

Complete EU law. 5 edition. Elspeth Berry, Barbara Bogusz. Oxford University Press, 2022. - 728 p.
ISBN 0192846418

Complete EU Law combines extracts from leading cases and articles with expert author commentary in a concise and student-friendly format. The broad range of key topics taught on EU law modules are thoroughly covered, including full chapters on human rights and competition law. The Complete titles are ambitious in their scope; they've been carefully developed with teachers to offer law students more than just a presentation of the key concepts. Instead they offer a complete package. Only by building on the foundations of the subject, by showing how the law works, demonstrating its application through extracts from cases and judgments, and by giving students the tools and the confidence to think critically about the law will they gain a complete understanding.

Latvia ‘s dark secrets: a collection of Latvian true crime. Daniel Croft , 2023. - 103 p.
ISBN 979-8853327948

Delve into the darkest corners of Latvia's criminal history with 'Latvia’s Dark Secrets: A Collection of Latvian True Crime' This gripping true crime anthology uncovers twenty chilling stories of heinous criminals, murderers, and crimes that once shrouded the nation in fear. From the audacious bank heists and prison breaks that defied the odds to the terrifying web of human trafficking and enigmatic ritual killings that haunted communities, each chapter offers a riveting and detailed account of the events that forever left their mark on Latvia's history. Experience the relentless pursuit of justice by law enforcement, the resilience of communities in the face of terror, and the indomitable spirit that ultimately triumphs over darkness. 'Latvia’s Dark Secrets: A Collection of Latvian True Crime' sheds light on the resilience of the human spirit, the dedication of those seeking justice, and the profound impact that crime can have on society. Step into the chilling world of 'Latvia’s Dark Secrets: A Collection of Latvian True Crime' and be captivated by these true stories of crime, mystery, and the enduring pursuit of truth and justice.

Steiner&Woods EU law. Marios Costa, Steve Peers. 15 edition. Oxford. 2023. - 784 p.
ISBN 978-0192884534

Trusted by students and lecturers for over thirty years, Steiner and Woods EU Law is the most comprehensive black letter guide to the subject, leading the reader through the subject in a straightforward way. The book includes a well-balanced range of topics for students taking an EU law course at any level. Offering a careful blend of institutional and substantive coverage, it focuses on explaining the law clearly for student readers. Case detail is clearly sign-posted throughout the text, with key cases highlighted and discussed in feature boxes, ensuring students are up to speed with the most important case law in the area. End of chapter reading suggestions, along with a detailed bibliography, provide a helpful starting point for essay preparation and independent research.

Walling, boundaries and liminality. Edited by Agnes Horvath, Marius Ion Benta and Joan Davison
ISBN 978-1-529-15222-7

Contemporary challenges related to walls, borders and encirclement, such as migration, integration and endemic historical conflicts, can only be understood properly from a long-term perspective. This book seeks to go beyond conventional definitions of the long durée by locating the social practice of walling and encirclement in the broadest context of human history, integrating insights from archaeology and anthropology. Such an approach, far from being simply academic, has crucial contemporary relevance, as its focus on origins helps to locate the essential dynamics of this practice, and provides a rare external position from which to view the phenomenon as a transformative exercise, with the area walled serving as an artificial womb or matrix.
The book also looks at contemporary developments such as the Palestinian wall, Eastern and Southern European examples, Trump’s proposed Mexican wall, the use of Greece as a bulwark containing migration flows and the transformative experience of voluntary work in a Calcutta hospice.

Diplomacy. Theory and practice. Berridge G.R. 2022
ISBN 3030859304

This fully revised and expanded sixth edition of Diplomacy, written by an internationally respected researcher and teacher of the subject, is richly illustrated with examples from the worlds of health and commerce as well as high politics. The instances included are mostly contemporary, but considerable historical background to the diplomatic methods themselves is always provided. Among other features, new to this edition is a list of topics for seminar discussion or essays, as well as annotated further reading at the end of each chapter.
Following a chapter on the foreign ministry, Part I of this book deals with the art of negotiation (prenegotiations, around-the-table negotiations, diplomatic momentum, packaging agreements, and following up); Part II covers conventional modes of diplomacy (embassies, telecommunications, consulates, secret intelligence by ‘legals’, conferences, summits, and public diplomacy); and Part III examines diplomacy in hostile circumstances (embassy substitutes such as representative offices and interests sections, special missions, and mediation). Students and educators of diplomacy will find much of value in the latest edition of this highly regarded and much-cited textbook.

Handbook of political antropology. Edited by Harald Wydra, Bjarn Thomassen. 2020.
ISBN 1783479000

This Handbook engages the reader in the major debates, approaches, methodologies, and explanatory frames within political anthropology. Examining the shifting borders of a moving field of enquiry, it illustrates disciplinary paradigm shifts, the role of humans in political structures, ethnographies of the political, and global processes. Reflecting the variety of directions that surround political anthropology today, this volume will be essential reading to understanding the interactions of humans within political frames in a globalising world.

The Europe of defence. Juan Antonio Falcon Blasco. 2021, 221 p.
ISBN 979-8577214173

The security environment in and around Europe has become more complex and threats have multiplied. The European Union wants to ensure security for its citizens in an unstable world. This approach is also a response to the demand by most of the European citizens, who want more security, stability, and a coordinated European response to current threats. This is why all these new threats have put the idea of a European Defence Union on the agenda once again.The need for a strong European Union has never been perceived as acutely as it is today. None of the European Union Member States have the necessary resources to create a secure environment. And more and more, the citizens and the governments of Europe, on their side, increasingly realise that European security, too, can only be guaranteed through a collective effort. Also, European partners around the world see European Union as an indispensable power to build a more cooperative world order.Based on its Common Security and Defence Policy, the European Union has a history as security provider through establishing civilian and military missions. Since 2003, when the first missions were launched under European flag, the European Union missions and operations are launched on several continents.This book does not want to be a theoretical reflection on the need for a joint defence of Europeans. On the contrary, it is an overview of the reality that is already the European defence, although there is undoubtedly still a lot to be done.

Issues in political theory. Catriona McKinnon, Robert Jubb, Patrick Tomlin. 4-edition. Oxford
ISBN 198784066

With a focus on real-world problems and debates, Issues in Political Theory is the clearest and most engaging introduction to political theory and how it is applied to address a range of global challenges. Its team of expert contributors introduce students to important concepts, key thinkers, and major texts in political theory, while extended case studies at the end of each chapter show students how to apply theoretical ideas to real contemporary issues and debates.
The text is supported by online resources, which include additional case studies intended to give students confidence in using theory to shed light on key issues, and a range of additional teaching and learning resources.

Russian political war. Moving beyond the hibrid. Mark Galeotti. Routledge. - 2019, 136 p.
ISBN 0367731754

This book cuts through the misunderstandings about Russia’s geopolitical challenge to the West, presenting this not as ‘hybrid war’ but ‘political war.’ Russia seeks to antagonise: its diplomats castigate Western ‘Russophobia’ and cultivate populist sentiment abroad, while its media sells Russia as a peaceable neighbour and a bastion of traditional social values. Its spies snoop, and even kill, and its hackers and trolls mount a 24/7 onslaught on Western systems and discourses. This is generally characterised as ‘hybrid war,’ but this is a misunderstanding of Russian strategy. Drawing extensively not just on their writings but also decades of interactions with Russian military, security and government officials, this study demonstrates that the Kremlin has updated traditional forms of non-military ‘political war’ for the modern world. Aware that the West, if united, is vastly richer and stronger, Putin is seeking to divide, and distract, in the hope it will either accept his claim to Russia’s great-power status – or at least be unable to prevent him. In the process, Russia may be foreshadowing how the very nature of war is changing: political war may be the future.

European integration. Edited by Johann P.Arnason. - 2019. - 304 p.
ISBN 1474455891

To understand the current difficulties and future prospects of European integration, multiple perspectives are required. The essays in this collection explore historical and geopolitical aspects of European integration and their relevance to interpretations of the current climate. They also examine the different regional dynamics of integration and the attitudes that result from those experiences, including in the European peripheries that are so often overshadowed by the dominant centres. In drawing all of these perspectives together, the collection allows the reader to assess the EU’s current crisis in context.

The economics and politics of European integration. Ivan T. Berend. 2020. - 288 p.
ISBN 9780367558314

The Economics and Politics of European Integration offers a comprehensive history of European integration, from the conceptualization of a United States of Europe, to the present day. The special role of the United States in this process of integration, and the expansion and evolution of the European Union, is critically analyzed. The book also thoroughly discusses the current view of the EU and the complex crises emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the book focuses primarily on Europe, the role of other countries is also examined. The rise of hostile enemies from Turkey, Russia, the US and China is explored, and the history and outcome of Brexit also receives unique focus. Maps are used throughout to clearly depict the enlargement process.
This illuminating text will be valuable reading for students and researchers across international economics, economic history, political economy and European studies.

Why the communist party of China is confident. by Guo Fenghai (Author), Li Haitao (Author), 2022. - 335 p.
ISBN-10 750854269X

The core idea of this book is the idea of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, adhering to the unity of theory and practice, and the unity of history and logic. It focuses on the question of why the Communist Party of China is one of the great achievements of the nation. The ideals and beliefs, people's attitudes, ideological lines, theoretical systems, development paths, institutional systems, cultural foundations, and revolution help readers understand the achievements made by the Communist Party of China throughout its history under the leadership of people of all ethnic groups across the country, and broaden their understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The confidence and conscious dedication to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation serve as the theoretical foundation of the book.

Property law / Mark Richards. – Oxford University press, 2021. – 340 p.
ISBN 978-0-19-285884-9

Property Law is the perfect companion to guide the reader through the intricacies of the conveyancing process. Drawing on the author's considerable experience of legal practice, and suitable for use on courses with either a residential or a commercial conveyancing focus, this book offers lively and accessible explanations of often complex processes. With highly practical guidance on how to approach each stage of a conveyancing transaction in practice, this book is ideal for use as a core text on the Legal Practice Course or as a valuable source of reference where knowledge of the conveyancing process is essential.

Intellectual property protect / Cheryl Milone. Lioncrest publishing, 2024. – 320 p.
ISBN 978-1-5445-4457-1

Innovation drives business success. Intellectual property is the opportunity to elevate innovations into business value while managing IP risks from competition.
In Intellectual Property Protect, Cheryl Milone provides cost-efficient intellectual property strategies that help you maximize your IP rights, manage risk, and protect your greatest assets—your innovation and its inventors and creators. Starting with a single patent filing opens the door to benefits, optimized when you align IP strategy with your business objectives. Packed with expert and common-sense insights from a leading IP business strategist, attorney, entrepreneur, and inventor, IP Protect: Business-Aligned IP Strategy is the must-read playbook you need to strengthen your business and reap the rewards you deserve.

Intellectual property law / Claire Howell. – Pearson, 2019. – 222 p.
ISBN 978-1-292-21022-3

Intellectual Property Law is designed to help you to relate all the reading and study throughout your course specifically to exam and assignment situations. Understand quickly what is required, organise your revision, and learn the key points with ease, to get the grades you need. Tested with examiners and students.

Contract law / Ewan McKendrick. – Oxford: Hart, 2023. – 487 p.
ISBN 978-1-350-35518-7

The 15th edition of Ewan McKendrick KC's bestselling textbook is the go-to resource for all students of contract law. It combines a clear and straightforward account of basic doctrines, including consideration and illegality, with up-to-date coverage of more recent developments, such as the recent Supreme Court and Privy Council decisions dealing with economic duress and the interpretation of exclusion and limitation clauses.

Family law. Eleventh Edition / Jonathan Herring. Pearson, 2023. – 839 p.
ISBN 978-1-292-44758-2

Family Law, 11th edition, is the best-selling textbook that offers you exceptional coverage of all essential family law principles. With a clear and logical structure, the text guides you through the theories, debates, and political and ethical dilemmas surrounding the subject, ensuring you have the knowledge required to critique existing law and evaluate reform options. The 11th edition has been fully updated with all significant developments in family law.
Renowned for its wide-ranging coverage and signature writing style, this is an essential text for all students of family law and related.

Inheritance. The evolutionary origins of the Modern World / Harvey Whitehouse. Hutchinson. Heinemann, 2024. – 358 p.
ISBN 978-1-529-15222-7

In Inheritance, renowned anthropologist Harvey Whitehouse offers a sweeping account of how our evolved biases have shaped humanity’s past and imperil its future. Unveiling a pioneering new way of viewing our collective history – one that weaves together psychological experiments, on-the-ground fieldwork, and big data – Whitehouse introduces three biases that shape human behaviour everywhere: conformism, religiosity, and tribalism. These biases have catalysed the greatest transformations in human history, from the birth of agriculture and arrival of the first kings to the rise and fall of human sacrifice and creation of multiethnic empires.

United States civil procedure law quiz, volume II. Eric Engle. Quizmaster law exam& Bar Prep - 2023. - 302 p.
ISBN 9798850499600

Introducing the ultimate quiz book for first-year law students and those preparing for the bar examination!It is a comprehensive collection of quiz questions and answers designed to help you master the intricacies of US civil procedure law.

Civil procedure. Governing law. Essentials for law school and the bar exam. Sterling test prep, 2022. - 190 p.
ISBN 978 1954725218

This preparation guide describes the principles of substantive law governing the correct answers to exam questions. It was developed by legal professionals and law instructors who possess extensive credentials and have been admitted to practice law in several jurisdictions. The content is clearly presented and systematically organized for targeted preparation.

Civil law. / Dr.Peter Johnson. 2019. - 161 p.
ISBN 9781798008102

With a clear, concise, and engaging writing style, Dr. Peter Johnson will help you with a practical understanding of civil law topics about civil rights, guardianship, civil transactions, security for performance of civil obligations, civil liability, civil contracts; provide you a road map to navigating civil procedure rules and help you build a foundation for understanding the overall picture and much much more. This book delivers extensive coverage of every aspect of the law and details the duties a paralegal is expected to perform when working within civil law and civil procedure. High-level, comprehensive coverage is combined with cutting-edge developments and foundational concepts.

Politics / Aristotle. Translated by Ernest Barker and Revised with introduction and notes by R. F. Stalley – OXFORD University press, 2009. – 480 p.
ISBN 978-0-19-953873-7

Aristotle's Politics is one of the most influential texts in the history of political thought, and is essential reading for anyone seriously about the ways in which human societies are organized and governed. By examining the way societies are run--from households to city states--Aristotle establishes how successful constitutions can best be initiated and upheld.
For this edition, Sir Ernest Barker's fine translation, which has been widely used for nearly half a century, has been extensively revised to meet the needs of the modern reader. The accessible introduction and clear notes examine the historical and philosophical background of the work and discuss its significance for modern political thought.

Imperium. The philosophy of history and politics / Francis P.Yockey. – Invictus Books, 2011. – 567 p.
ISBN 978-0615505978

This is Yockey's famous masterpiece. It is inspired by Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West. Imperium advocates the creation of a pan-European empire governed by sound principles or 'absolute politics'. It is divided into five parts, which are concerned with History, Politics, 'Cultural Vitalism', America and the World Situation. Imperium deals with doctrinal matters as well giving a survey of the 'world situation' in the 20th century. "In this book," writes Yockey, "are the precise, organic foundations of the Western soul, and in particular, its Imperative at the present stage."
His masterpiece continues to shape the thinking and steel the will of readers around the world.

A new structural transformation of the public sphere and deliberative politics / Jurgen Habermas. Translated by Ciaran Cronin. - Cambridge: Polity, 2023. – 114 p.
ISBN 978-1-5095-5893-3

Jürgen Habermas's book The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, first published in 1962, has long been recognized as one of the most important works of twentieth-century social thought. Blending philosophy and social history, it offered an account of the public sphere as a domain that mediates between civil society and the state in which citizens could discuss matters of common concern and participate in democratic decision-making through the formation of public opinion. Now, in view of the digital revolution and the resulting crisis of democracy, he returns to this important topic.
In this new book Habermas focuses on digital media, in particular social media, which are increasingly relegating traditional mass media to the background.

50 politics classics / Tom Butler-Bowdon. – London: Nicholas Brealey publishing, 2022. – 339 p.
ISBN 978-1-399-80098-3

This is the thinking person's guide to the big political texts from across the centuries, from the original pioneers to the contemporary. With insightful commentary for each of the 50 books, key quotes and biographical information on the authors and a guide to further reading,50 Politics Classics gives a unique overview of the political writings that shaped history and are still shaping minds today.
From Abraham Lincoln to Nelson Mandela, and from Aristotle to George Orwell,50 Politics Classics distils the essence of the books, pamphlets, and speeches of the major leaders and great thinkers that drive real-world change.
Whether you consider yourself to be conservative, liberal, socialist, or Marxist, this book gives you greater understanding of the key ideas that matter in our politically charged times.

The struggle for a decent politics / Michael Walzer. – New Haven and London: Yale University press, 2023. – 161 p.
ISBN 978-0-300-26723-5

There was a time when liberalism was an ism like any other, but that time, writes Michael Walzer, is gone. “Liberal” now conveys not a specific ideology but a moral stance, so the word is best conceived not as a noun but as an adjective—one is a “liberal democrat” or a “liberal nationalist.”
Walzer itemizes the characteristics described by “liberal” in an inventory of his own deepest political and moral commitments—among other things, to the principle of equality, to the rule of law, and to a pluralism that is both political and cultural. Unabashedly asserting that liberalism comprises a universal set of values (“they must be universal,” he writes, “since they are under assault around the world”), Walzer reminds us in this inspiring book why those values are worth fighting for

The politics of language / David Beaver, Jason Stanley. – Oxford: Princeton University press, 2023. – 508 p.
ISBN 978-0691181981

In The Politics of Language, David Beaver and Jason Stanley present a radical new approach to the theory of meaning, offering an account of communication in which political and social identity, affect, and shared practices play as important a role as information. This new view of language, they argue, has dramatic consequences for free speech, democracy, and a range of other areas in which speech plays a central role
The authors use their framework to show that speech is inevitably political because all communication is imbued with the resonances of particular ideologies and their normative perspectives on reality.

School of Europeanness. Tolerance and other lessons in political liberalism in Latvia / Dace Dzenovska. - Ithaca and London: Cornell University press, 2018. - 276 p.
ISBN 978-1-5017-1115-2

“School of Europeanness” shows how post–Cold War liberalization projects in Latvia contributed to the current crisis of political liberalism in Europe, providing deep ethnographic analysis of the power relations in Latvia and the rest of Europe, and identifying the tension between exclusive polities and inclusive values as foundational of Europe’s political landscape.
Dace Dzenovska argues that the frames of European belonging, national community, tolerance, and liberalism that have been applied in Latvia in the postsocialist decades have reproduced structures of exclusion and dominance in the relationship between a 'good European core' and a 'not European enough' periphery.

Latvia. A short history / Mara Kalnins. - London: Hurst&Company, 2015. - 237 p.
ISBN 978-1-84904-462-2

The history of the Latvian people begins some four and a half millennia ago with the arrival of the proto-Baltic Indo-Europeans to northern Europe. . This book traces the genesis and growth of that nation, its endurance over centuries of conquest and oppression, the process by which it achieved its independence, and its status as a member of the European community in the twenty-first century.

Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis / Andrew F.Hayes. - New York, London: The Guilford press, 2022. - 732 p.
ISBN 978-1-4625-4903-0

Acclaimed for its thorough presentation of mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis, this book has been updated to reflect the latest developments in PROCESS for SPSS, SAS, and, new to this edition, R. Using the principles of ordinary least squares regression, Andrew F. Hayes illustrates each step in an analysis using diverse examples from published studies, and displays SPSS, SAS, and R code for each example. Procedures are outlined for estimating and interpreting direct, indirect, and conditional effects; probing and visualizing interactions; testing hypotheses about the moderation of mechanisms; and reporting different types of analyses. Readers gain an understanding of the link between statistics and causality, as well as what the data are telling them.

Conflict management and mediation / Martin Euwema. – Cheltenham, 2024. – 186 p.
ISBN 978-1-0353-3154-3

This textbook explores the complex nature of conflict and provides concrete tools for how it can be managed. Martin Euwema and Ellen Giebels highlight the importance of effective analysis to conflict management, developing novel frameworks for understanding the structure and process of interpersonal conflict. Specially designed for practical use, the textbook integrates theories and models of conflict with cutting-edge practical research and outlines the diverse skills and strategies necessary for competent conflict management.

Case studies in legal psychology. Psychological Perspectives on Criminal Evidence / Eric Rassin. – Springer, 2023. – 158 p.
ISBN 978-3-031-44930-7

In some criminal cases, it is a difficult challenge to find out what happened. Fact finders will rely on different approaches ranging from intuitive heuristics to scientific insights. With 11 real cases, this book illustrates how professional judges evaluate criminal evidence. Moreover, the legal psychological approach to the same evidence is discussed, as the author served as a psychological expert witness in these cases.

The art of mediation to key to resolving disputes in the hospitaly industry. The past, the present & the future / Mohamed Darwish. Lawyer &mediator, 2024. - 117 p.
ISBN 9798332167768

If you are looking for a comprehensive and practical guide on how to resolve disputes in the hospitality industry, this book is for you. It covers the various types of conflicts that may arise between hotels, guests, travel agents, employees, and other stakeholders, and how to effectively address them through mediation. Mediation is a preferred method of dispute resolution that offers many advantages over litigation, such as lower costs, faster outcomes, confidentiality, and the preservation of business relationships.

The art of mediation. Key skills for new mediators / Michael Fraidenburg & Terry Teale. - 147 p.
ISBN 978-8-9897075-0-8

The Art of Mediation Supports Your Journey to become a master mediator. Discover fifteen indispensable mediation skills to make your mediator journey exciting, successful, and deeply fulfilling, backed by examples that illustrate how these skills can work for you.

The mediators approach. Five (and a half) paths through conflict / Tara West. – 2021. – 132 p.
ISBN 978-8-5175-9046-6

Mediation - a world where conflict leads to honest communication, healed wounds, and win-win solutions. Or is it? That depends on what you mean by mediation! If you’re confused by the conflict resolution process known as mediation, and all its many meanings, look no further. In The Mediator’s Approach: Five (and a Half) Paths Through Conflict, winner of the 2022 Dorothy Della Noce Writing Prize, you will learn the theory, goals, and practices of five (and a half) of the main approaches practiced by mediators today.

EU law directions. 8th Edition / Nigel Foster. – Oxford University press, 2023. – 505 p.
ISBN 978-0-19-287140-4

This is the most student-friendly guide to the subject of EU Law; empowering students to evaluate the law, understand its practical application, and approach assessments with confidence. The ideal guide as they approach the subject for the first time, EU Law Directions will help them: · Gain a complete understanding of the topic: just the right amount of detail conveyed clearly · Understand the law in context: with scene-setting introductions and highlighted case extracts, the practical importance of the law becomes clear.

European Union law. Fourth edition/ Edited by Catherine Barnard & Steve Peers. – Oxford University press, 2023. – 936 p.
ISBN 978-0-19-286383-6

Written by experts, this innovative textbook offers students a relevant, contextual account of EU law. Under the experienced editorship of Catherine Barnard and Steve Peers, the text draws together a range of expert contributors for rich understanding of each area of the EU law curriculum and to introduce students to key debates in the subject.
This text provides a fresh and modern guide to EU law and is an ideal entry-point for students new to the subject as well as those looking to develop their understanding. Digital formats and resources The fourth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats.

An introduction to European law. Fourth edition / Robert Schutze. – Oxford University press, 2023. – 365 p.
ISBN 978-0-19-288594-4

Written in a highly readable narrative style, the book provides students with a succinct yet sophisticated analysis of the core aspects of the subject, while also equipping them with the tools for further exploration. Figures and tables clarify complex ideas and processes, and a guide to finding and reading EU judgments offers valuable practical support. This carefully structured guide brings clarity to a broad and multifaceted subject.

International law. Sixth edition / Edited by Malcolm D.Evans. – Oxford University press, 2024. – 940 p.
ISBN 978-0-19-284864-2

Evans' International Lawis widely celebrated as an outstanding collection of writing by leading scholars in the field. Bringing together a broad range of perspectives on all the key issues in international law, it is a unique and invaluable resource for students and practitioners alike.

NATO's Enlargement and Russia. A strategic challenge in the past and future / Oxana Schmies. - Stuttgart, 2021. - 270 p.
ISBN 978-3838214788

This collection of essays, interviews, and analyses by prominent politicians, diplomats, and scholars from the US, Russia, and Europe provides personal perspectives on the sources of the Russian-Western estrangement. They shed new light on the nature of the confrontation between the West and Russia, and indicate possible steps towards a reconciliation.

From Eastern bloc to European Union. Comparative processes of transformation since 1990 / edited by Gunther Heydemann and Karel Vodička. - Berghahn:New York, 2020. - 398 p.
ISBN 978-1-78533-317

More than 25 years after the fall of the Soviet Union, European integration remains a work in progress, especially in those Eastern European nations most dramatically reshaped by democratization and economic liberalization. This volume assembles detailed, empirically grounded studies of eleven states—Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, and the former East Germany—that went on to join the European Union. Each chapter analyzes the political, economic, and social transformations that have taken place in these nations, using a comparative approach to identify structural similarities and assess outcomes relative to one another as well as the rest of the EU.

EU law. Text, cases, and materials. Eight edition / Paul Craig and Grainne De Burca. - Oxford University press, 2024. - 1258 p.
ISBN 978-0-19-891548-5

The definitive EU law textbook: the most authoritative coverage, including extracts from all key cases and materials, from a world-renowned author team. Respected as the definitive textbook on the subject, this is the stand-alone guide to EU law. The world-renowned authors offer the ideal balance of commentary, key cases, and materials to provide the most authoritative coverage and analysis. This UK version also includes sections showing how principles apply or don't apply to the UK post-Brexit.

Criminal law. Seventh Edition / William Wilson. – Pearson, 2020. – 643 p.
ISBN 978-1-292-28674-7

Criminal Law (Longman Law series), 7th Edition, by William Wilson, combines coverage of the core legal principles with discussion of the theories and academic debates that underpin the subject. Enhance your understanding of criminal law and make use of the reading references to pertinent academic articles, hypothetical case examples that clarify complex issues, and end-of-chapter summaries — paving the way for further studies.

An Introduction to International criminal law and procedure. Fourth edition / Robert Cryer, Darryl Robinson and Sergey Vasiliev. – Cambridge, 2021. – 576 p.
ISBN 978-1-108-74161-3

Written by a team of international lawyers with extensive academic and practical experience of international criminal law, the fourth edition of this leading textbook offers readers comprehensive coverage and a high level of academic rigour while maintaining its signature accessible and engaging style. Introducing the readers to the fundamental concepts of international criminal law, as well as the domestic and international institutions that enforce that law, this book engages with critical questions, political and moral challenges, and alternatives to international justice. Suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students, academics and practitioners in the field, and cited by the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Court, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, and the highest courts in domestic systems, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in learning more about international criminal law.

Criminal law. Text, cases, and materials. Tenth edition / Jonathan Herring. – Oxford University press, 2022. – 892 p.
ISBN 978-0-19-285592-3

This edition of Criminal Law: Text, Cases, and Materials offers an exceptional depth of analysis and a wealth of cases and materials all set within the theoretical context of criminal law. The two-part structure of each chapter in the book—the first part explaining the law as it is, the second examining the theoretical aspects—ensures that readers not only gain a secure understanding of the law itself but also acquire a fundamental appreciation of the surrounding philosophical and ethical debates. The book looks at actus reus and mens rea and at strict liability. The book also examines homicide; non-fatal non-sexual offences; sexual offences; theft, handling, and robbery; and fraud. It further analyses issues relating to burglary and blackmail, criminal damage, defences, and, finally, considers the criminal liability of corporations, inchoate offences, and complicity.

Criminal psychology / Morris Hunt. – 2024 . – 168 p.
ISBN 9798876873385

Open this book and learn all about the latest research and theories that shape our understanding of the criminal mind, and discover how psychological insights and criminal profiling are applied in real-world investigations and legal proceedings.

Mediation and other forms of ADR in administrative law / Anna De Ambrosis Vigna (ed). - Bialystok: Temida 2, 2023. - 135 p.
ISBN 978-83-67169-21-9

This book is dedicated to the problem of mediation in administrative law and is the result of the webinar that took place on the 17th March of 2022 that was organized by the Faculty of Law of the University on Bialystok. The purpose of the book is to demonstrate problems with mediation in administrative law and their application in various legal orders. The book consists of articles that show regulationa and experiences concerning the application of mediation before public administration bodies and administrative courts in Poland, Italy, the United States, Lithuania and Hungary.

Current problems of the Penal Law and Criminology / Ed. By Ewa M. Guzik-Makaruk. - Warszawa: Prokuratura Krajowa, 2023. - 592 p.
ISBN 978-83-8345-068-1

The series “Current Problems of Criminal Law and Criminology” has been published since 1994 on the initiative of employees of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bialystok and is the only one in the world that combines two scientific disciplines and is published in two languages. The typical language of criminal law is German, while in criminology English is used. This makes the publication unique not only on the Polish or European market, but also on the world market. This publication will introduce you to the latest trends in criminal law and criminology from a broad international perspective. The authors of the studies include many outstanding professors, which guarantees a high substantive level of the book, confirmed by reviews of world-class criminologists. The book is intended, in particular, for scholars and practitioners of law enforcement and the justice system interested in criminal law, criminology and related sciences, such as criminology, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, medical and engineering sciences.

Darba aizsardzības speciālista rokasgrāmata. 2. grāmata. Darba vides riska faktoru novērtēšana, darba aizsardzības sistēmas vadība. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2023. – 255 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-31-606-7

The book is intended for university graduates - occupational safety specialists and other specialists performing the duties of occupational safety specialists at enterprises. It will also be useful for those who have recently become occupational safety specialists and who often have the first question: where to start? Book 2 provides practical advice on assessing work environment hazards, selecting and using personal protective equipment, conducting safety training, investigating accidents, interacting with government agencies, and operating hazardous equipment. To facilitate compliance with labor safety regulations, the book also contains many samples of necessary documents.

Darba tiesības. 3.papildinātais un pārstrādātais izdevums / Velga Slaidiņa, Ilze Skultāne. – Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2023. – 288 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-0-7022-8

“Labor Law” is one of the few books published in Latvian that deals with the main issues of labor law both in terms of theory and practice. The book is intended primarily as a textbook for law students studying the Labor Law course, but it will also be useful to practicing lawyers and other readers interested in labor law and related issues.

Darba tiesības. Tiesības darbā. Terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca / Valija Ulmane. – SIA “Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2023. – 160 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-543-37-1

Legal terms are explained in alphabetical order. The explanatory definitions of the dictionary are based on concepts accepted in legal science, terms established in legal acts, supplemented by an indication of their connection with labor legislation. The explanation of each term is based on the name of a specific source, normative act with an emphasis on its application in the Labor Law.The task of the dictionary is to make more understandable the terms used in the regulation of labor relations, which are found in many and various legal acts and information sources that explain them.
The dictionary uses the regulations that were in force in the Republic of Latvia as of January 1, 2023.

Darba aizsardzības speciālista rokasgrāmata. 1.grāmata. Darba aizsardzības sistēma, darba vides riska faktori. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2022. – 272 lpp.

The book will be useful to safety professionals, lawyers and all occupational health and safety professionals, both those who already have experience in this field and those who have recently taken up these duties.
Also, this publication will certainly be useful to the listeners of the course of lectures "Civilā aizsardzība un vides aizsardzība" at the BIA.

Latvijas Republikas Satversmes komēntāri. V nodaļa. Likumdošana. VSIA "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 2019. – 592 lpp.
ISBN 978-9984-840-61-1

The fifth book of scientific commentaries on the Constitution, dedicated to Chapter V of the Basic Law of our country "Legislation". This is an unprecedented study of Latvian parliamentarism.
The explanations of the Constitution contained in this volume of commentaries are a fundamental study of the entire constitutional legislative process. Commentaries are a scientific source of knowledge about the norms of the Constitution, which is useful when faced with their practical application.

Latvijas Republikas Satversmes komēntāri. VI nodaļa. Tiesa.VII nodaļa. Valsts kontrole. VSIA "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 2013. – 240 lpp.
ISBN 97899840246

Comments are intended for all interested and are a kind of bridge to understanding the content of the Constitution and constitutional norms The new edition is also published as part of the LU scientific project. Most of the authors involved in the project are highly qualified faculty members of the Faculty of Law.

Pacientu tiesību likuma komentāri. Rīga: VSIA "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 2019. - 352 lpp.
ISBN 978-9984-840-60-4

The book "Commentaries on the Law on the Rights of Patients" is the fundamental work of a team of authors. The Commentaries on the Patients' Rights Act clarifies the legally protected rights of the patient and the actions expected of medical personnel in their implementation and promotion. The book will be useful for all those interested.

Emotional intelligence. James W.Williams. Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US, 2019. - 154 p.
ISBN 1796673137, 9781796673135

This book can help you have an edge over those who speak or act, without thinking. You will realize why people with higher emotional intelligence never ignore their feelings, but recognize and process them, before responding to them.
You will understand why emotional intelligence has become a highly sought-after skill, and why the 21-century employers need people who can work well under pressure, and cope in culturally diverse, or emotionally charged environments.
Although you may not be able to control the emotions you experience, you will learn how to control your reaction to those emotions, and the impact such reactions can have on those around you.
The ultimate eye-opening guide to mental and emotional makeover, Emotional Intelligence: The 21-day Mental Makeover to Master Your Emotions, Improve Your Social Skills, and Achieve Better, Happier Relationships will guide you through the path to emotional intelligence mastery!

Perfekti apslēptā depresija. Kā izlauzties no perfecionisma, kas slēpj depresiju. Dr Mārgrita Robinsone Raterforda. –Ģimenes psiholoģijas centrs, 2024. – 224 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-9142-7-0

‘Perfectly Hidden Depression’ is a book that will help you understand perfectionism in yourself, recognise those beliefs that are harmful and access long-suppressed emotions. You'll get practical advice on how to silence the inner voice and effective strategies for dealing with feelings. Most importantly, you will learn that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. The Perfectly Hidden Depression book will be your trusted companion on the journey from hiding to healing.

Profesionālā izdegšana. Pamanīt un novērst izdegšanu, atgūt darba efektivitāti un dzīvesprieku. – Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2023. – 259 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-31-680-7

Professional burnout is costly for both employees and employers. It is worth preventing. Having personally experienced, theoretically studied and practically understood professional burnout, the author can talk about it seriously - based on scientific research - and at the same time easily and playfully. The book is full of practical examples, exercises and illustrations.

Handbook of positive psychology assessment / edited by Willibald Ruch. - Hogrefe, 2023. - 464 p.
ISBN 978-0-88937-619-9

This volume gives a state-of-the-art overview of assessment in the field of positive psychology, including a comprehensive survey of current theories, approaches, issues, and assessment instruments. In four sections, leading experts look at different conceptualizations of well-being and discuss specific traits, states, and behaviors. New directions in positive psychology are also explored, including measuring primal world beliefs, imagination, self-transcendent experiences, and nostalgia.

Building experiments in psychoPy. 2nd edition / Jonathan Peirce. - SAGE, 2022. - 300 p.
ISBN 978-1-5297-4166-7

PsychoPy is an open-source software package for creating rich, dynamic experiments in psychology, neuroscience and linguistics. Written by its creator, this book walks you through the steps of building experiments in PsychoPy, from using images to discovering lesser-known features, and from analysing data to debugging your experiment. Divided into three parts and with unique extension exercises to guide you at whatever level you are at, this textbook is the perfect tool for teaching practical undergraduate classes on research methods, as well as acting as a comprehensive reference text for the professional scientist.

Research methods and statistics in psychology. 8 edition / Hugh Coolican. - London and New York: Routledge, 2024. - 851 p.
ISBN 978-1-032-10566-6

Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology provides students with the most readable and comprehensive survey of research methods, statistical concepts and procedures in psychology today. Assuming no prior knowledge, this bestselling text takes you through every stage of your research project, giving advice on planning and conducting studies, analysing data and writing up reports, both quantitative and qualitative. It incorporates diversity and includes a large section on cross-cultural psychology methods and issues. The book continues its long tradition of integrating qualitative issues into methods chapters as well as providing two chapters dedicated to qualitative methods. It provides clear coverage of experimental, interviewing and observational methods; psychological testing; and statistical procedures which include nominal-level tests, ordinal and interval two-condition tests, simple and multi-factorial ANOVA designs, correlation, multiple regression, log linear analysis, factor analysis and, new with this edition, logistic regression. It features detailed and illustrated SPSS instructions for all these and other procedures, eliminating the need for an extra SPSS textbook.

Research methods in psychology and social science / Patricia Sommer. - 2022. - 105 p.
ISBN 979-8-201-80755-9

The research methods of psychology and social science in the field of human sciences are very different from the methods of other empirical sciences. It is certainly not easy to try to understand the thoughts of another person, and it is even more difficult within a research when it comes to the thoughts and feelings of especially many people. Ultimately, there are many different, individual constructs to be researched, and each requires a different method.

Understanding statistics in psychology with SPSS / Dennis Howitt & Duncan Cramer. - Pearson, 2020. - 718 p.
ISBN 978-1-292-28230-5

A clear and comprehensive introduction to Statistics with step by step guidance on using SPSS to carry out statistical analysis. Understanding Statistics in Psychology with SPSS 8th edition is geared towards helping students to properly understand statistical techniques so gaining the confidence to apply them with the help of SPSS.

Handbook of psychological assessment / Gary Groth-Marnat, A.Jordan Wright. - Wiley, 2016. - 912 p.
ISBN 978-1-118-96064-6

Organized according to the sequence mental health professionals follow when conducting an assessment, Groth-Marnat’s Handbook of Psychological Assessment, Sixth Edition covers principles of assessment, evaluation, referral, treatment planning, and report writing. Written in a practical, skills-based manner, the Sixth Edition provides guidance on the most efficient methods for selecting and administering tests, interpreting assessment data, how to integrate test scores and develop treatment plans as well as instruction on ways to write effective, client-oriented psychological reports.
This text provides through coverage of the most commonly used assessment instruments including the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, Wechsler Memory Scales, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Personality Assessment Inventory, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, NEO Personality, Rorschach, Thematic Apperception Test, and brief assessment instruments for treatment planning, monitoring, and outcome assessment.

Applying social psychology. From problems to sulutions. 3rd edition / Abraham P. Buunk. – SAGE, 2021. – 253 p.
ISBN 978-1-5297-3201-6

The PATHS model presents a unique way of applying theoretical social psychology to a range of real-world problems, helping students develop their own social psychological interventions. This model has recently been updated with the edition of ‘S’ for success, to help students evaluate how successful their interventions have been.
Using interesting case studies and useful exercises, Applying Social Psychology is an invaluable tool in learning how to develop and carry out psychological interventions.

Designing reporting experiments in psychology. Fourth edition / Peter Harris. – Mc Graw Hill, 2021. - 204 p.
ISBN 978-0-3352-4595-6

This book will help undergraduate psychology students to write practical reports of experimental and other quantitative studies in psychology. It is designed to help with every stage of report writing and provides a resource that students can refer to throughout their degree, up-to and including when writing up a final year undergraduate project.
Now fully updated in its fourth edition, this book maps to the seventh edition of the APA guidelines and offers more comprehensive advice, guidelines and recommendations than ever before.

Dark Psychology / John Levin, 2020. – 126 p.
ISBN 9798614414047

Occasionally a book comes along that can change your life, and this is one of these books! Everything we do and all our interactions with other people is dictated by psychological factors, and we can often find ourselves the victims of manipulation. Success is not a dirty word: it is, in fact, a pinnacle we can all achieve. Start your journey to success the moment you read the first page and then garner all your new skills and go and get everything you desire!

The psychology of the emotions / Th.Ribot, - 512 p.

The Psychology Of The Emotions is a book written by Theodule Armand Ribot that explores the complex and fascinating world of human emotions. The book delves into the various factors that influence our emotions, including physiological, psychological, and social factors. It examines the different types of emotions, such as joy, fear, anger, and sadness, and how they are experienced and expressed by individuals in different cultures and contexts.The author also explores the role of emotions in our decision-making processes, social interactions, and overall well-being.

How emotions are made. The secret life of the brain / Lisa Feldman Barrett. –Pan Books, 2018. – 425 p.
ISBN 978-1509837526

Many scientists believe that emotions come from a specific part of the brain, triggered by the world around us. The thrill of seeing an old friend, the fear of losing someone we love - each of these sensations seems to arise automatically and uncontrollably from within us, finding expression on our faces and in our behaviour, carrying us away with the experience.

The psychology of social support / Ali Muattar. – Anish Publications, 2023. – 172 p.
ISBN 9798853517042

The Psychology of Supplication Supplications are dialogues of the unconscious with infinite intelligence that positively affect the human psyche. In the history of humanity, you will find many psychological impacts of prayers and supplications. Religions of all ages had great texts and daily rituals to do while uttering the words of supplications.
Supplication’s psychology is a book by Ali Muattar, a senior writer, author, and psychologist. In this book, you will find his personal and professional experiences with it.

Research methods in social work and mental health/ James Daniel
ISBN 9798326713612

Dive into the essential guide for social work professionals and students! Research Methods in Social Work and Mental Health by James Daniel provides a comprehensive exploration of the methodologies critical for advancing practice, policy, and service delivery in the field of social work and mental health. This book is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to conduct effective research and make evidence-based decisions.

Behavioral insights. A deep dive into social psychology. Experiments and results. - 2024. - 136 p.
ISBN 9798324688905

Step into the fascinating world of social psychology with this insightful book that takes a deep dive into various behavioral experiments and their results. From classic studies that have shaped our understanding of human behavior to cutting-edge research that sheds light on the complexities of social interactions, this book offers a comprehensive look at the field of social psychology. Delve into the intricate workings of the human mind as you explore the key principles of behavioral insights. Discover how factors such as conformity, obedience, and cognitive biases influence our decision-making processes and shape our behavior in social situations.

SPSS for psychologists / seventh edition. Bloomsbury academic, 2022. - 490 p.
ISBN 978-1-352-00994-1

Students can find statistical analysis a challenging and complex task and, in order to master the techniques and complete their assignments and projects successfully, they need to have a sound understanding of IBM SPSS and its functions. Updated to be compatible with IBM SPSS 25, with handy screen-shots throughout, the seventh edition of this trusted and practical textbook will take students on a step-by-step journey towards carrying out a range of essential tasks with confidence: from performing an analysis to interpreting outputs and reporting the results.
This book is an unbeatable, must-have guide to IBM SPSS that will allow undergraduate psychology students to master this powerful software tool.

The field study in social psychology / Tomasz Grzyb and Dariusz Dolinski. - London and New York: Routledge, 2022. - 206 p.
ISBN 978-0-367-55556-6

This unique book offers a comprehensive introduction to field studies as a research method in social psychology, demonstrating that field studies are an important element of contemporary social psychology, and encourages its usage in a methodologically correct and ethical manner. The authors demonstrate that field studies are an important and a much-needed element of contemporary social psychology and that abandoning this method would be at a great loss for the field. Examining successful examples of field studies, including those by Sherif and Sherif, studies of obedience by Hofling, or the studies of stereotypes of the Chinese by LaPiere, they explore the advantages and limitations of the field study method, whilst offering practical guidance on how it can be used in experiments now and in the future.

Emotional intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ / Daniel Goleman. - Bloomsbury publishing, 2020. – 325 p.
ISBN 978-1-5266-3362-0

Vai Does IQ define our destiny? In his groundbreaking bestseller, Daniel Goleman argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow. It is not our IQ, but our emotional intelligence that plays a major role in thought, decision-making and individual success. Self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, motivation, empathy and social deftness: all are qualities that mark people who excel, whose relationships flourish, who can navigate difficult conversations, who become stars in the workplace. With new insights into the brain architecture underlying emotion and rationality, Goleman shows precisely how emotional intelligence can be nurtured and strengthened in all of us.

The emotional overdraft / Andy Brown. – Practical Inspiration Publishing, 2024. – 216 p.
ISBN 9781788605137

Most business owners and leaders have a habit of overcoming their company’s challenges at the expense of their own wellbeing. They work long hours, try to do too many things, and struggle to reconcile the excitement of the early days with the stress and exhaustion they feel now. Their businesses may be profitable, but those profits have come at a high personal cost. In other words, they’ve run up an emotional overdraft. Andy Brown is an award-winning adviser and coach for people-based businesses, helping them to grow sustainably and increase their value.

Health psychology. A biopsychosocial approach. Seventh Edition / Richard O.Straub. – New York: Macmillan Learning, 2023. – 500 p.
ISBN 978-9934-543-37-1

Straub’s Health Psychology helps you make meaningful connections between the science of health psychology and everyday experiences such as stress, coping, and sleep.

Introduction to psychology / Saylor Foundation

The book is intended primarily as a textbook for students of psychology, students studying the course "General Psychology", but it will also be useful to practicing psychologists and other readers interested in psychology.

Clinical psychology. A scientific, multicultural, and life span perspective. Ninth Edition / Jonathan S.Abramowitz. – New York: Worth publishers. Macmillan Learning, 2023. – 404 p.
ISBN 9781319245726

The ideal brief introduction to the science and practice of clinical psychology in today’s world. For the 9th editions authors have added new chapters on professional issues, ethics, as well as the science of assessment and the science of psychological treatment.

An introduction to brain and behavior. Seventh Edition / Bryan Kolb, Ian Q.Whishaw. – New York : Worth publishers Macmillan Learning, 2023. – 688 p.
ISBN 9781319498566

This text is a unique inquiry-based introduction to behavioral neuroscience. Each chapter focuses on a central question (i.e., 'How Does the Nervous System Function?') guiding students through the key concepts. The authors emphasize a distinctive clinical perspective, with examples showing students what happens when common neuronal processes malfunction with real life applications. The book reflects the latest findings at the time of publication on specific disorders including Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, depression and drug dependency, sleep disorders, schizophrenia, glaucoma, and abnormal development related to prenatal experience.

Psychology in everyday life. Sixth edition / David G.Myers, C.Nathan DeWall. – New York: Macmillan Learning, 2023. – 414 p.
ISBN 978-1-319-41872-4

Psychology in Everyday Life is a complete and affordable resource for students at all levels. Dave Myers and Nathan DeWall work on the text and corresponding LaunchPad content so there is a tight connection between all aspects of the course. This edition is heavily updated to reflect the latest in psychological science and to further emphasize the value of thinking critically, considering diverse perspectives, and improving our everyday life

Psihologa profesionālās darbības ētika. Teorētiskais pamats un praktiskās vadlīnijas / Inese Elsiņa, Baiba Martinsone, Ivans Jānis Mihailovs. – Rīga: izdevniecība SIA “Drukatava”, 2022. – 76 lpp.

The publication covers the most important ethical issues of a psychologist's professional activity, allowing both psychologists and specialists who interact with psychologists on a daily basis to find ideas and initiatives for the ethically correct behavior of psychologists and mutual cooperation of specialists, including a psychologist who makes a professional choice and justifies his act or decision. In order to further clarify the ethical requirements and rules for psychologists, the publication collects theoretical material and analyzes practical examples, and provides recommendations for solving various cases of a psychologist's professional activity.

The developing person through the life span. Twelfth edition / Kathleen Stassen Berger. – New York. – Macmillan Learning, 2023. –816 p.
ISBN 978-1-319-33200-6

This is the 12th edition of Kathleen Berger's Developmental Psychology Handbook. Traditionally, the textbook considers the development of the human psyche from the prenatal period to the last days of life. In the new edition, updates have been made to the chapters on the branches of psychology in which more and more new discoveries are taking place (brain development, psychopathology).
The manual is addressed to students of departments "Psychology".

Psychology. Sixth edition / Daniel L.Schacter, Daniel T. Gilbert, Matthew K.Nock. – New York: Macmillan Learning, 2023. – 800 p.
ISBN 9781319498634

Written by a world-renowned team of psychologists, this bestselling textbook brings students the latest developments across the entire discipline of psychology - from the fundamental principles of psychology as a science, to more nuanced approaches in core disciplines such as cognitive, developmental, social and personality psychology. Woven together with engaging features, research boxes and activities that will help students to both think like a scientist and stretch their imagination, this book is a complete course companion for all undergraduate psychology students.

Komunikācijas kompetence. Kā saprasties un veidot attiecības / Edmunds Apsalons. – Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2022. – 304 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-0-3539-5

The book can be used both for academic studies and as a methodological guide for self-study, as well as an exciting read that encourages you to think about why our relationships with other people are not always the way we would like, why we are not able to understand each other. and cooperate

...tomēr teikt dzīvei Jā. Psihologs pārdzīvo koncentrācijas nometni / Viktors E.Frankls. – Rīga: Zvaigzne, 2022. – 174 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-0-9741-6

The book of the Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, philosopher, writer Viktor Emil Frankl (Viktor Emil Frankl, 1905 - 1997) "Say yes to life!" has been translated into Latvian for the first time. The founder of the school of psychotherapy - logotherapy - devoted his life to the study of human freedom, self-esteem and understanding the search for the meaning of life.

Psihiatrija / Imants Eglītis. – Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2023.- 207 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-31-325-7

Professor Imants Eglitis' textbook "Psychiatry", known to many generations, describes the most common mental illnesses, their diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment principles. Professor Eglitis' book has been a good help for many generations of doctors, and it is hoped that its historical significance will be appreciated even today. This book may also be useful for practicing psychologists.

The deficit myth. Modern Monetary theory and how to build a better economy / Stephanie Kelton. – Great Britain: John Murray, 2021. - 331 p.
ISBN 978-1-529-35256-6

Supporting the economy, paying for healthcare, creating new jobs, preventing a climate apocalypse: how can we pay for it all? Leading economic thinker Stephanie Kelton, shows how misguided that question is, and how a radical new approach can maximise our potential as a society. Everything that we've been led to believe about deficits and the role of money and government spending is wrong. Rather than asking the self-defeating question of how to pay for the crucial improvements our society needs, Kelton guides us to ask: which deficits actually matter?

Corporate social responsibility. Doing the most good for Your Company and Your Cause / Philip Kotler, Nancy Lee. – New Jersey: John Wiley& Sons, Inc, 2005. – 307 p.
ISBN: 978-0-471-47611-5

Today, corporations are expected to give something back to their communities in the form of charitable projects. In Corporate Social Responsibility, Philip Kotler, one of the world's foremost voices on business and marketing, and coauthor Nancy Lee explain why charity is both good P.R. and good for business. They show business leaders how to choose social causes, design charity initiatives, gain employee support, and evaluate their efforts. They also provide all the best practices and cutting-edge ideas that leaders need to maximize their contributions to social causes and do the most good. With personal stories from twenty-five business leaders from socially responsible companies, this is the bible for today's good corporate citizen.

Behavioural economics. Psychology, neuroscience, and the human side of economics / David Orrell. - Omnibus business centre, 2021. - 181 p.
ISBN 978-1-78578-664-0

For centuries, economics was dominated by the idea that we are rational individuals who optimise our own 'utility'. Then, in the 1970s, psychologists demonstrated that the reality is a lot messier. We don't really know what our utility is, and we care about people other than ourselves. We are susceptible to external nudges. And far from being perfectly rational we are prone to 'cognitive biases' with complex effects on decision-making, such as forgetting to prepare for retirement.
David Orrell explores the findings from psychology and neuroscience that are shaking up economics - and that are being exploited by policy-makers and marketers alike, to shape everything from how we shop for food, to how we tackle societal happiness or climate change. Finally, he asks: is behavioural economics a scientific revolution, or just a scientific form of marketing?

21 st century monetary policy / Ben S.Bernanke. - W.W.Norton&Company, 2022. - 480 p.
ISBN 9781324020462

"Former Federal Reserve Chair Ben S. Bernanke helps readers understand how the Federal Reserve, the steward of U.S. monetary policy, got to where it is today, what it has learned from the diverse challenges it has faced, and how it may evolve in the future"-- Provided by publisher.

Principles of behavioral economics / Peter E. Earl. - Cambridge University press, 2022. - 518 p.
ISBN 9781009091053

This book is unique among modern contributions to behavioral economics in presenting a grand synthesis between the kind of behavioral economics popularized by Richard Thaler, earlier approaches such as those of the 1978 Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon, evolutionary psychology, and evolutionary economics from Veblen and Marshall through to neo-Schumpeterian thinking. The synthesis employs a complex adaptive systems approach to how people think, the lifestyles they build, and how new production technologies and products are gradually adopted and produce changes. Using a huge range of examples, it takes behavioral economics from its recent focus on 'nudging' consumers, to the behavior of firms and other organizations, the challenges of achieving structural change and transitioning to environmentally sustainable lifestyles, and instability of the financial system. This book will be of great interest to academics and graduate students who seek a broader view of what behavioral economics is and what it might become.

Behavioral economics. The basics. Second edition / Philip Corr. - Routledge, 2023. - 256 p.
ISBN 9780367764326

The second edition of Behavioral Economics: The Basics summarizes behavioral economics, which uses insights from the social sciences, especially psychology, to explain real-world economic behavior. Behavioral economic insights are routinely used not only to understand the choices people make but also to influence them, whether the aim is to enable citizens to lead healthier and wealthier lives, or to turn browsers into buyers. Revised and updated throughout with fresh current-event examples, Behavioral Economics: The Basics provides a rigorous yet accessible overview of the field that attempts to uncover the psychological processes which mediate all the economic judgements and decisions we make. The book showcases how behavioral economics is rooted in some now-old (philosophical, political, and moral) ideas surrounding economics, and in an important sense is a modern expression of some long-standing criticisms of mainstream economics. It contrasts the neoclassical economic perspective (ECON) with a more realistic perspective (HUMAN – the flesh-and-blood economic agent who is not perfect in all respects but who manages to do the best under limitations and constraints).

Behavioral economics. Fourth edition / Edward Cartwright. - Routledge, 2024. - 578 p.
ISBN 9781032414102

Over the last few decades behavioral economics has revolutionized the discipline. It has done so by putting the human back into economics, by recognizing that people sometimes make mistakes, care about others and are generally not as cold and calculating as economists have traditionally assumed. The results have been exciting and fascinating, and have fundamentally changed the way we look at economic behavior.
This textbook introduces all the key results and insights of behavioral economics to a student audience. Ideas such as mental accounting, prospect theory, present bias, inequality aversion and learning are explained in detail. These ideas are also applied in diverse settings, such as auctions, stock market crashes, charitable donations and health care, to show why behavioral economics is crucial to understanding the world around us. Consideration is also given to what makes people happy, and how we can potentially nudge people to be happier.

International finance. Fifth edition / Keith Pilbeam. - Bloomsbury, 2023. - 549 p.
ISBN 9781350347106

International Finance is an established and internationally renowned introduction to the subject. It draws on recent events to provide comprehensive coverage of traditional theories and new research relating to the balance of payments, exchange rate determination and the international monetary system.
Offering an extensive overview of the empirical evidence on the theories and concepts discussed, this textbook provides grounding in the fundamental features of international finance, from basic economic concepts to the various international crises of the twentieth century and into the effects and response to the Eurozone crises and Covid-19 pandemic.

Bank regulation, risk management and compliance / Alexander Dill. - Informa law from Routledge, 2020. - 302 p.
ISBN 9780367521370

Bank Regulation, Risk Management, and Compliance is a concise yet comprehensive treatment of the primary areas of US banking regulation – micro-prudential, macroprudential, financial consumer protection, and AML/CFT regulation – and their associated risk management and compliance systems. The book’s focus is the US, but its prolific use of standards published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and frequent comparisons with UK and EU versions of US regulation offer a broad perspective on global bank regulation and expectations for internal governance.
The book is designed for legal, risk, and compliance banking professionals; students in law, business, and other finance-related graduate programs; and finance professionals generally who want a reference book on bank regulation, risk management, and compliance. It can serve both as a primer for entry-level finance professionals and as a reference guide for seasoned risk and compliance officials, senior management, and regulators and other policymakers. Although the book’s focus is bank regulation, its coverage of corporate governance, risk management, compliance, and management of conflicts of interest in financial institutions has broad application in other financial services sectors.

Introduction to sustainability. Second edition / Robert Brinkmann. - Willey Blackwell, 2021. - 434 p.
ISBN 978-1-119-67546-4

Introduction to Sustainability, Second Edition, reviews all the major themes in the cutting-edge field of sustainability. The book is suitable for introductory interdisciplinary courses on sustainability, as well as those in the fields of geography, geology, sociology, planning, political science, and anthropology. Allowing students to see the world in new ways while also encouraging them to become part of the change needed to ensure the long-term sustainability of the planet, this book is an invaluable introduction to this multifaceted and ever-changing subject.

Implementing environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles for sustainable businesses / Tracy Dathe. - Springer, 2024. - 237 p.
ISBN 978-3-031-52733-3

The concept of environmental, social and governance (ESG) is rapidly emerging as the new global industry standard and an important benchmarking tool for socially responsible investments. Major corporations seek the expertise of specialized consultants to develop and implement tailored ESG framework for their businesses.
This book offers a guide to ESG and its practical applications. Beyond introducing the structured procedures of the most common ESG approaches, it delves into the comprehensive impact on the value chain, providing practical insights. The text explores the latest trends in various business sectors, offering insights into their ESG practices. Closing with a forward-looking perspective, the book anticipates future developments such as climate change management and ESG certifications, while also addressing potential pitfalls encapsulated by the term “greenwashing”.
Written by authors with a solid background in teaching and research, the book establishes a robust theoretical foundation. The inclusion of numerous practical examples and country-specific recommendations enhances this book’s applicability and makes it an invaluable resource to those navigating the complexities of ESG.

From CIA to CEO / Rupal Patel. - London. - 2024. – 311 p.
ISBN 978-1-788-7067-2

From CIA to CEO is an ops manual for entrepreneurs that reveals how the techniques of the CIA can help anyone discover their potential and thrive in the world of business.
Agent-turned-entrepreneur Rupal Patel shares the unique skills she developed and combines those clandestine insights with her experience as a business leader and mentor. She reveals how methods such as Profiling and Situational Awareness help amplify strengths and build resilience.
Full of motivating stories and unique exercises, From CIA to CEO will equip you with the all the tools you'll need for achieving Mission Success.

Crux: How Leaders Become Strategists /Richard Rumelt. - London. -2023. – 357 p.
ISBN 978-1-788-1695-16

The most important part of a leader's job is to set in motion the actions today that will build a better future tomorrow - in other words, strategy.
But how do leaders become strategists? In this ground-breaking book, Richard Rumelt, the world's leading authority on strategy, shows how finding the crux of a challenge is the essence of the strategist's skill. The crux is the key issue where action will best pay off, and Rumelt reveals how to pinpoint it so you can focus energy on what really matters.
Strategy is not about setting financial targets, statements of desired outcomes, or performance goals, it is about finding the crux and taking decisive, coherent action.

Activist Leader: A New Mindset for Doing Business / Jon Miller; Lucy Parker. - London. - 2024. - 390p.
ISBN 978-0-00-856755-2

If you want to be a successful leader in today's business world, you need to think like an activist.
This timely and necessary book shows how to do it. The activist leader argues that the world needs a new type of business leader who thinks differently about his role in today's problems. From climate change to inequality, the major crises facing society have become critical issues for business, and the world expects companies to step up their actions.
Whether you're a top executive or earlier in your working life, this book shows that thinking like an activist can have a transformative impact - for yourself, for your businesses, and for broader society.

The Holy Grail of Investing / Tony Robbins. - London. - 2024. – 351 p.
ISBN 978-1-3985-3316-5

Tony Robbins, who has trained more than fifty million people from 100 countries, is the #1 business strategist in the world. In this new book, he teamed up with Christopher Zook, a well-known financial investor who brought his thirty years of experience to complement the financial part of this book's content.
Together, they show how, over decades, trillions of dollars of smart money – large institutions, sovereign wealth funds, ultra-high net worth individuals – have made huge profits using alternative investments in private equity, private loans, private real estate, energy, and venture capital.
Until recently, the vast majority of investors - those of us without insider access or eye-popping checkbooks - have been locked out of these exciting, high-yield opportunities. But there is a change underway.

From the series: «Get a degree» / Elaine Schwarz. - London. - 2023. – 256 p.
ISBN 978-1-3985-3316-5

This highly visual, full-colour guide contains everything you can learn in an Economics degree, made accessible and entertaining by economics expert Elaine Schwartz.
Filled with flowcharts, infographics, insertable features, and handy timelines, this book makes learning a subject easier than ever. The book covers the full range of Economics subject at the degree level.
This textbook is perfect for both students and those who want to learn what role economics has played in building the world we live in.

The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking: Leading Your Organization Into the Future / Michael D. Watkins. – London: Penguin, 2024. – 180 p.
ISBN 978-1-52914-658-5

What is strategic thinking exactly? Are we born with it, or can we develop it?
As a distinct and important capability in leaders, strategic thinking is a remarkably poorly defined, little understood concept, confined to management courses and board meetings. But in this book world-renowned expert Michael Watkins shows leaders how they can benefit from it, as long as they have the tools to nurture it.
Academically grounded but jargon-free, with real-world examples from all sectors and ages, The Six Disciplines of Strategic Thinking assesses our innate ability to think strategically, and helps us to cultivate it, leading to better decisions that get proven results.

The Ethical Business Book: A Practical, Non-Preachy Guide to Business Sustainability (Concise Advice) / Sarah Dunkan. - Jelgava. - 2021. - 168p.
ISBN 978-1-911671-56-5

This book is about a rapidly changing and constantly evolving problem, so its next edition has been thoroughly supplemented with new material. It introduces the reader to all the important elements of ethical and sustainable business practices, but is intentionally brief, non-preachy, and practical.
If you are a business owner or leader, it will provide you with the tools to make a difference.
If you work for an organization that needs change, it will give you the ammunition you need to lobby the decision makers and present a compelling case for long-term sustainability.

Decision Making and Problem Solving: Break Through Barriers and Banish Uncertainty at Work / John Adair. - London. - 2022. - 108p.
ISBN 978-1-3986-0618-0

Author John Adair shares the techniques and ideas you need to find solutions, spark creativity, and make the right decisions.
The 5th edition features even more practical exercises, helpful templates, and tips, providing a clear structure to help generate ideas and instill confidence in your team. The book should help you find a solution to any problem. After reading it, you will have competitive ideas worthy of the highest praise from the world's leading strategists.

Big Tech in Finance: How to Prevail In the Age of Blockchain, Digital Currencies and Web3 / Igor Pejic. - London. - 2023. – 283 p.
ISBN 978-1-3986-0896-2

The author of the book offers a cutting-edge look at Big Tech's struggle to dominate the crypto economy, its implications, and how traditional finance is trying to counter it. The book analyzes the reasons behind Big Tech's breakthrough in banking and reveals the strategies behind the use of blockchain, technology interfaces, infrastructure, and investment. The book then goes onto review how organizations in finance are countering these threats, with governments and banks driving their own strategies and use of centralized blockchains.
In addition, the book examines how financial institutions are countering these threats, with governments and banks implementing their own strategies and using centralized blockchains.
Delving into the fight between Big Tech, Big Banking, start-ups, and regulators, Big Tech in Finance analyzes which actors have the best shot at succeeding.
The book, written by a globally recognized blockchain expert, is based on in-depth interviews with founders, investors, regulators, bankers, and blockchain experts, providing valuable insider information.

Mazā grāmata par saprātīgu investēšanu/[The little book on investing wisely] / Džons K. Bogls. - Ņūdžersija. - 336 p.
ISBN 978-9916-707-61-6

The book introduces the nuances of investing and the strategy of index-linked or passive investing, which provides investors with significantly lower costs and better results in the long run.The book has gained worldwide recognition for its practical and interesting view of the stock markets.
For a wide range of readers.
Translated from English by Jānis Skupelis.

Veiksmīga biznesa psiholoģija [Psychology of successful business]/ Aija Rība. - Rīga. - 2023. - 216 p.
ISBN 978-9934-8612-8-4

The aim of this book is to present business psychology and perception by clearly and succinctly providing basic theories and practical examples of the topic in question.
This book not only makes it clear that perception applies to absolutely everything in this life, but also explains what we should do with it in business, politics, career, upbringing and private life.
There are many capable people around us, but work experience and knowledge are a set of qualities that everyone is looking for.
And that's exactly what this book aims to do: to provide both theoretical and practical knowledge. Therefore, it is very important to supplement your work experience with theoretical knowledge, because entrepreneurship is based on theory and research, and professionals need to study both theory and practice to be successful.
And that's exactly what this book aims to do: to provide both theoretical and practical knowledge.

Karļa Ulmaņa autoritārā režīma saimniecīskā politika 1934-1940. Otrais, papildinātais izdevums / Aivars Stranga. – Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2020. – 512 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-18-522-9

A study of the economic policies of the authoritarian regime of Kārlis Ulmanis (1934–1940). In the expanded 2nd edition, a separate chapter examines the activities of Latvijas Kredītbanka, the content of other chapters is also supplemented, special attention is paid to the state of industry in Latvia, taxes and the mobilization plan of the national economy, the so-called Latvianization policy in trade and industry, and the creation of new national companies. The views of Karlis Ulmanis himself and his role in managing the Latvian economy are also reflected.

SPIN pārdošana. No angļu valodas tulkojusi Māra Rūmniece / Nīls Rekhems. – Rīga: Avots, 2017. – 268 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-534-59-1

This book is the result of the largest research project ever undertaken in the field of sales. The book reflects a new approach to sales in large volumes and indicates what qualities a person should develop in order to achieve success in sales. The book is supplied with tables, graphs and drawings.

Pārrobežu biznesa modeļa vadība. Monogrāfija / Helēna Skadiņa, Rosita Zvirgzdiņa. – Rīga: Turība, 2023. – 119 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-543-45-6

The global economy is driving digital innovation, transforming entire systems and making them more connected, intelligent and efficient across industries. This affects companies where many changes are taking place: processes are accelerating, the boundaries of traditional markets are blurring, the variety of services is increasing, existing business areas and business models are being transformed. Various changes stimulate companies to develop new skills - to become more flexible and able to adapt to external conditions. Business modeling helps improve newly acquired skills because the business model, which includes critical components of international operations and digital transformation mechanisms, provides business managers with the ability to evaluate activities and their consequences. This book examines business models and the theoretical aspects of the business model environment to understand how business models and the modeling environment influence the implementation of business and management functions.

Jauna vadība. Kā vadošās organizācijas apgriež otrādi ierasto biznesu / Deivids Burkus. No angļu valodas tulkojusi Māra Rūmniece. – Rīga: Avots, 2024. – 274 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-590-09-2

Undoubtedly, the thoughts expressed in this book will cause surprise. Most ideas are new, radical and even revolutionary. As you will see in each chapter, these “radical” ideas have already found a place in many established and forward-thinking corporations, and in fact, not only do they work, but the organizations that use them thrive. The purpose of this book is to encourage you and your company to consider whether it is time to rethink some of the basic concepts of modern management. Remember that business also means being interested in change and keeping up with the latest trends. This is your chance to understand and see for yourself what changes you need to make to your leadership.

Naudas psiholoģija. Pārlaicīgas mācības par bagātību, alkatību un laimi / Morgan Hauzels. No angļu valodas tulkojusi Renāte Pulka. – Rīga: Jānis Roze, 2021. – 288 lpp.
ISBN 978-9984-23-937-8

When we talk about a person’s skillful handling of money, we mean not so much his knowledge as his actions. And teaching people (even very smart ones) the right behavior can be difficult. Money, especially investing, personal finance and business decisions, is often considered a mathematical field where data and formulas clearly show the algorithm of operations. But in the real world, people make financial decisions not based on charts and spreadsheets, but in conversations over lunch or in a conference room where personal history, your unique worldview, ego, marketing and the most incredible incentives mingle. In her book The Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel shares 19 small stories about people's unusual beliefs about money and provides lessons that will help us better understand one of life's most important topics.

Vadītāja spējas. Kā vadīt uzņēmumus un ļaudis / Voldemārs Leitis. Rīga :Avots, 2020. – 246 lpp.

The book "establishes the type of modern leader - practical, intelligent and humane - because only such a leader has a future." The book analyzes the relationship between manager and employee, work organization, evaluation and implementation of new ideas, the ability to make decisions and analyze risk levels. The book will be useful both to those who already manage a large or small company, and to those who are still thinking about doing business in the future.

The psychology of money / Morgan Housel. –Harriman House, 2020. – 242 p.
ISBN 978-0-85719-768-9

Doing well with money isn’t necessarily about what you know. It’s about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people. Money―investing, personal finance, and business decisions―is typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people don’t make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together. In The Psychology of Money, award-winning author Morgan Housel shares 19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches you how to make better sense of one of life’s most important topics.

Routledge Taylor& Francis Group, London and New York, 2019.

Marketing and Managing Tourism Destinations is a comprehensive and integrated introductory textbook covering both destination marketing and destination management in one volume. It focuses on how destination management is planned, implemented and evaluated as well as the management and operations of destination management organizations (DMOs), how they conduct business, major opportunities, challenges and issues they face to compete for the global leisure and business travel markets.
This second edition has been updated to include:

  • A new chapter on visitor management that includes a section on crisis and disaster management
  • New material on destination leadership and coordination
  • New and revised content on digital marketing
  • New and updated international case examples throughout to show the practical realities and approaches to managing different destinations around the world.

It is illustrated in full colour and packed with features to encourage reflection on main themes, spur critical thinking and show theory in practice. Written by an author with many years of industry practice, university teaching and professional training experience, this book is the essential guide to the subject for tourism, hospitality and events students and industry practitioners alike.

Destination marketing. Essential. Third edition / Steven Pike. Routledge Taylor& Francis Group, London and New York, 2021.

Destination Marketing offers the reader an integrated and comprehensive overview of the key challenges and constraints facing destination marketing organisations (DMOs) and how destination marketing can be planned, implemented and evaluated to achieve successful destination competitiveness.
This new third edition has been revised and updated to include:

  • 27 new and updated case studies, including destinations such as Sri Lanka, Barbados, the UAE, and crucially relevant topics such as the Australian bushfires and the threat of COVID-19
  • Brand-new pedagogical features such as in-chapter class activities, key term definitions, and highlighted critical points
  • New content on cross-sector consortia marketing for meetings and events, social media influencer marketing, the role of technology, resource consumption and climate change, creativity and innovation in developing destination branding, experiential destination marketing and the influence of culture and sustainability on destination marketing
  • Links to free access of the author’s journal articles on destination marketing
  • Updated additional online resources for lecturers and students including PowerPoint slides, quizzes and discussion questions

It is written in an engaging style and applies theory to a range of tourism destinations at the consumer, business, national and international level by using topical examples.

Tourism Destination Management / Manuel Rodriguez-Diaz and Tomas F.Espino-Rodriguez. MDPI, Basel, Beijing, Wuhan, 2019.

This book collected studies focused on the management of tourist destinations. Destinations are complex and adaptive systems, where the different elements that make them up have to be oriented towards achieving a common objective that improves the competitiveness of the destination. Five main lines of research on tourist destinations can be established: 1) the management, planning, and marketing of destinations, with special attention to the tourism supply chain, communication, and integral management; 2) the sustainability of resources and capabilities; 3) the renewal of destinations in order to update their offer and main resources to maintain competitiveness; 4) online reputation and communication through social media in order to create and enhance a strong brand image and customer loyalty; and 5) the application of new technologies in order to develop smart destinations. The book is made up of five research studies that focus on analyzing the transition towards a more circular tourist activity in hotels, image as a competitive factor of destinations, the value of cultural creativity, the coherence of online reputation, and the relationship between hotel prices and online reputation in different tourist destinations.

Tourism planning and destination marketing / Mark Anthony Camilleri. Emerald Publishing, United Kingdom, 2019.

Destination marketing relies on planning, organisation, and successful strategies and tactics. Tourism Planning and Destination Marketing provides an in-depth understanding of the tourism marketing environment, including destination branding, distribution channels, etourism, digital media, and sustainable and responsible tourism practices. It is a useful guide for tourism marketers, including destination management organisations (DMOs), who are increasingly using innovative tools and evolving technologies to engage with prospective visitors. Moreover, this title sheds light on the latest developments in travel, hospitality, festivals and events, as the contributing authors have critically analysed the global tourism marketing environments that comprise a wide array of economic, socio-cultural, technological and environmental realities.
This book explores advances in tourism planning and destination marketing theory for the interest of both researchers and scholars. Furthermore, it is an invaluable resource for a wide range of industry practitioners, including consultants, senior executives and managers who work for destination management organisations, tourism offices, hotels, inbound/outbound tour operators and travel agents.

Good country equation . How we can repair the world in one generation / Simon Anholt. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc, 2020

Simon Anholt has spent decades helping countries from Austria to Zambia to improve their international standing. Using colorful descriptions of his experiences--dining with Vladimir Putin at his country home, taking a group of Felipe Calderon's advisors on their first Mexico City subway ride, touring a beautiful new government hospital in Afghanistan that nobody would use because it was in Taliban-controlled territory--he tells how he began finding answers to that question.
Ultimately, Anholt hit on the Good Country Equation, a formula for encouraging international cooperation and reinventing education for a globalized era. Anholt even offers a "selfish" argument for cooperation: he shows that it generates goodwill, which in turn translates into increased trade, foreign investment, tourism, talent attraction, and even domestic electoral success. Anholt insists we can change the way countries behave and the way people are educated in a single generation--because that's all the time we have.

Place Branding. For small cities, regions & Downtowns / Bill Baker. 2019.

In his latest book, Bill Baker unpacks decades of practical experience and real-world examples. He shows how to transform tourism, economic development, place making, and wayfinding in small cities and regions. Bill is straight to the point and provides the essentials for those new to the subject. He shows the way to reveal and manage a sustainable destination or place brand. ‘Place Branding’ simplifies the scope and dynamics of place branding by providing a step-by-step approach to research, define, and deploy a winning brand strategy for places of all sizes. Each chapter is loaded with helpful ideas for establishing a community brand that will provide a competitive advantage, be supported by citizens, and resonate with target audiences.

Rietumu mākslas vēsture / Dženeta Reibolda Bentona. Rīga: Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2022. – 176 lpp.
ISBN 978-9984-23-908-8

This richly illustrated book provides a concise overview of the most important works of architecture, sculpture, and painting in the Western artistic tradition from prehistory to the present day. Focusing on the historical aspect of art history, information is presented thematically and chronologically, sequentially describing events, achievements and even disasters. Translation into Latvian was carried out by Renate Punka.

Perspektīva un telpiskums. Vizuālās mākslas pamati / Ilze Briška. – Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2022. -30 lpp.
ISBN 9984-22-872-X

In the methodological material developed by I.Briška, fine art teachers, students of pedagogical faculties, schoolchildren and other people interested in art will find not only a theoretical base and diverse tasks that will be useful in teaching spatial imaging, but will also gain confidence in their abilities, drawing skills and learn to accept fine arts as a natural part of self-expression.

Lielā zīmēšanas grāmata / Andrāšs Suņogi. No angļu valodas tulkojusi Elīna Brasliņa. – Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2022. – 407 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-0-4249-2

An extensive book by the Hungarian master András Sugnoga for teaching drawing skills will be useful to everyone - both interested and amateurs, as well as students of art and architecture. The publication includes more than 1000 drawings by András Sugnoga, drawing techniques are explained step by step, supplemented with text and images, basic drawing techniques are described, perspective and shading and how to depict them are given, an idea is given of drawing still lifes and landscapes, tips are given on how draw portraits and nudes, reveals how to draw the body in full growth, at rest and how to depict it in motion.

Lets play house / Joni Vandewalle. – Lanno, 2020. -217 p.
ISBN 9789401471374

Many people assume that becoming a parent means sacrificing a stylish interior. But it doesn't have to be that way.
When lifestyle journalist Joni Vandewalle's daughter was born she was disappointed to discover that in most home styling magazines children's rooms and play areas are expertly concealed. And so she visited the homes of 25 young families in Belgium and abroad, where toys brighten up the interior, kids are a source of energy and joy, and parents don't think twice about sacrificing living space to give their kids cleverly styled bedrooms, colourful play areas and creative storage.
The result? More than 200 pages of interior design tips on how to create a stylish, warm and happy family home for young parents and parents-to-be.

Freestyle. Illustrating urban fashion / Gingko press, by Sandy Publishing, 2017. – 240 p.
ISBN 978-1-58423-670-2

Graphic tees have been around for decades now, representing aspects of our lives we are not afraid to share in public, from social and political affiliations to artistic and musical preferences, lifestyle pursuits or sense of humor.
Free Style focuses on one distinct style of this artwork on apparel: the simple line illustration. Whether representational or abstract, there is a looseness there, a studied playfulness which appeals to our sense of whimsy. Brands respond by commissioning some of the worlds best artists to create graphics that speak to their consumers while exemplifying their graphic identities.
Not limited to t-shirts, this survey includes sneakers, hats, glasses and accessories, all displaying this casualness of form.

Slash. Paper under the knife. Museum of arts and design / ed. By Martina D Alton. – Museum of arts and design, 2010. – 256 p.
ISBN 9-8-88-7439-529-3

The book provides an overview of the work of contemporary artists who use paper in their work - from small intricate cut-outs to monumental architectural installations and sculpture. Eclectic, eccentric and relentlessly innovative works of art created from paper. In recent years, the use of paper as a working medium by artists has experienced an exciting resurgence.

Interior design review. Volume 25. The definitive guide to the worlds top 100 designers / Andrew Martin. – teNeues, 2021. – 534 p.
ISBN 978-3-96171-369-1

Vintage or modern? Sleek minimalism or splendid opulence? Scandinavian hygge or Neon Art? For all that is emerging and on trend in the world of interiors, look no further than the Andrew Martin Interior Design Review Vol. 25. Compiled by founder Martin Waller, dubbed the "Indiana Jones of Interior Design," this anniversary edition of the interior design bible showcases the diverse creations of 100 leading interior designers, including the winner of the "Designer of the Year" award.
Regardless of whether you are looking for inspiring design ideas for your own home or simply want to sneak a peek at beautiful interior spaces, this vibrant English-language coffee table book will delight design lovers around the globe

Bez vecāku gādības palikušo bērnu ģimeniskā aprūpe / Ilze Jansiņa. Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs "Aisma", 2014. 101 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-8488-2-7

The methodological manual is devoted to topical issues - the protection of children's rights and social and family care for children left without parental care. The main idea: the child must be given the opportunity to grow up in a family environment, reducing institutional child care in the country. Familiarity with the model of family care for children developed by the authors will be useful for specialists in the field of social work, adoptive parents, guardians, foster families, as well as specialists in preschool institutions or schools where children from foster families or those under guardianship study. Social workers, social educators, psychologists and teachers will be able to use this manual in their practical work.

Pārtraukt līdzatkarību / Melodija Bītija Tulkojusi: Linda Vītuma. Izdevējs: Ģimenes psiholoģijas centrs LĪNA, 2020, 304 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-8873-1-4

This book is about your most important and perhaps most overlooked responsibility: taking care of yourself. A book about what you can do to start feeling better. Whatever the problem that someone else is facing, codependency causes a particular way of thinking, feeling and behaving towards ourselves and those others who cause us pain. Addictive behavior or habits are destructive. We often react to people who destroy themselves; in an effort to help them, we do not notice how we begin to destroy ourselves. The bad habits of loved ones can cause us to enter into or maintain destructive relationships, relationships that don't work. And this prevents us from finding peace and happiness in our relationship with the most important person in our lives - ourselves. This book is about how to avoid such deviation and help the only person that each of us can control - the only person we can change - ourselves.

Domāt precīzi vai daudzveidīgi-konverģenta un divirģenta domāšana / Malgožata Rašcevska Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds (LU apstiprināta monogrāfija). - 120 lpp.
ISBN 9789934186745

Monograph about two main ways of thinking - convergent and divergent thinking and their relationship to knowledge, memory and some categories of personality. Understanding the differences in ways of thinking will help you better understand human behavior and actions. The book is intended for students, doctoral students, graduates of psychology and educational sciences programs, teachers, psychologists and other interested persons.

Supervīzija. Latvijas supervizoru apvienība. Supervīzijas attīstība / sastādītāja Ilze Dreifelde. “Sava gramata”, 2023. – 214 lpp.
ISBN 9789934625466

The book contains stories of the professional experiences of seventeen supervisor authors, which were shared by the leaders of the Latvian Supervisors Association (LSA). Along with stories in which supervisors share information about how they chose to study supervision, who were their teachers, inspirations, how they began their professional careers, improved and how the path of their professional realization was formed. About the society “Association of Latvian Supervisors” and the history of its development since its creation in 2006.
Stories from the experiences of supervisors of the “Association of Latvian Supervisors” are a useful source of information not only for supervisors or students of supervision, but also for other interested parties, allowing them to gain insight and information about what supervision is, what qualities characterize it, and what benefits can be receive professional development, including support in professional activities.

Stresa menedžments. Sintoniskais stresa vadīšanas modelis /Māra Vidnere. Izdevniecība RaKa, 2022. -206 lpp.
ISBN 978-9984-46-458-9

It is much more effective to learn to manage stress than to run from it. The self-test material consists of worksheets that help you identify stress, develop stress management skills, and identify risks. The material can also be used for self-therapy. The material is written in clear language and uses many real-life examples. The set will be useful to a wide range of readers, especially those whose professional activities involve constant stressful situations.

Sociālā darba vārdnīca / Baiba Bela un Līga Rasnača. – Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2023. - 640 lpp.

The Social Work Dictionary was created as an information tool in social work practice. The purpose of developing the dictionary is to provide methodological support to social work specialists, students, researchers and specialists in related fields. Thanks to the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia, the library of the Baltic International Academy received 8 copies of this book. You can get acquainted with the book in the libraries of Riga and Daugavpils.


Crises and challenges for the European Union. Edited by Mark Rhinard, Neill Nugent & W.E. Paterson. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023.
ISBN 9781350342903

The crises of the European Union extend beyond the challenges of Covid-19, Brexit, the Eurozone, and mass migration, cutting to the core of the EU itself. Taking a structural rather than event-based approach, this text unpacks all aspects of the EU in crisis and analyses the implications of these crises for the EU and its member states.
This edition argues that crises and challenges are no longer unique and discreet events facing the EU, but rather, they are better understood as sustained conditions that have changed the relationships between member states, the functioning of institutions, the nature of public engagement and the prospects for integration. Chapters broach institutional issues as well as specific policy challenges, covering questions of legitimacy and leadership and offering a full chapter on democracy and Euroscepticism.

Understanding the European Union. John McCormick. 8 edition. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2020.
ISBN 9781352011197

This is the must-have introduction to the European Union. Offering a primer on the EU's history, institutions, and politics, this concise textbook also covers the various challenges and opportunities faced by the EU, from the democratic deficit and the potential of future enlargement to the spread of nationalism and crises such as Brexit and the impact of the global pandemic. Understanding the European Union is now more crucial than ever, and this text provides a succinct but nuanced account of its development and how it works.
This book will be the ideal guide for all undergraduate and postgraduate courses in political science, global affairs and European studies. It is also a suitable starting point for anyone seeking to learn more about the EU.

Reinventing Europe. The history of the European Union1945 to the present. Edited by Brigitte Leucht, Katja Seidel. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023.
ISBN 9781350213074

"Rethinking Europe" ir padziļināts Eiropas Savienības vēstures pētījums, kas izseko tās attīstībai no tās pirmsākumiem līdz pat neseniem laikiem. Tā ir pirmā šāda veida grāmata, kas pēta ES vēsturi padziļinātā Eiropas un pasaules vēstures kontekstā. Grāmatā arī uzsvērta indivīdu, dalībvalstu, starptautisku dalībnieku un Eiropas institūciju loma gan Eiropas integrācijas veicināšanā, gan aizkavēšanā ES. Grāmatā ir nodaļas, ko sarakstījuši vadošie zinātnieki no Apvienotās Karalistes, ASV un visas Eiropas, kas, izmantojot avotus dažādās valodās, sniedz līdzsvarotu un visaptverošu pārskatu par šo dažkārt pretrunīgo Savienību Šo grāmatu var uzskatīt par vēsturisku eseju, kurā ietilpst arī literatūras saraksts šajā jomā, 50 ilustrācijas, kartes, teksti un citāti no primārajiem avotiem, bibliogrāfija un glosārijs.

Integration and differentiation in the European Union. Dirk Leuffen. 2022
ISBN 3030766764

Far from displaying a uniform pattern, European integration varies significantly across policy areas and individual countries. Why do some member states choose to opt out of specific EU policies? Why are some policies deeply integrated whereas others remain intergovernmental? In this updated second edition, the authors introduce the most important theoretical approaches to European integration and apply these to the trajectories of key EU policy areas. Arguing that no single theory offers a completely convincing explanation of integration and differentiation in the EU, this thought-provoking book provides a new synthesis of integration theory and an original way of thinking about what the EU is and how it works.

The foreign policy of the EU. Stephan Keukeleire and Tom Delreux. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022.
ISBN 9781350930483

Keukeleire and Delreux demonstrate the scope and diversity of the European Union's foreign policy, showing that EU foreign policy is broader than the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Security and Defence Policy, and that areas such as trade, development, environment and energy are inextricable elements of it.
This book offers a comprehensive and critical account of the EU's key foreign relations – with its neighbourhood, with the US, China and Russia, and with emerged powers – and argues that the EU's foreign policy needs to be understood not only as a response to crises and conflicts, but also as a means of shaping international structures and influencing long-term processes.
This third edition reflects recent changes and trends in EU foreign policy as well as the international context in which it operates, addressing issues such as the increasingly contested international order, the conflict in Ukraine, the migration and refugee crisis, Brexit and Covid-19. The book not only clarifies the formal procedures in EU foreign policy-making but also elucidates how it works in practice. The third edition includes new sections and boxes on 'strategic autonomy', European arms exports, the EU's external representation, the 'Brussels Effect', and decentring and gender approaches to EU foreign policy.

Policies and policy processes of the European Union. Laurie Buonanno, Neill Nugent.
ISBN 9781352009859

The dynamic and complex system of European Union policymaking is analysed in this new edition of a much-praised textbook. It offers the most integrated understanding of EU policy available. Major approaches to policymaking – including intergovernmentalism, neofunctionalism, supranationalism and critical theory – are presented and supplemented with the authors' own theoretical model, federal integration, to create a comprehensive evaluation of the EU's interests and actors in key policy domains. The text covers the EU's main policy areas – including those on the single market, Economic and Monetary Union, foreign policy, migration and border control, social and regional policies, and the budget – locating them in this wider theoretical framework. As such, it is the key introduction to the subject for students of European Politics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


Latvijas diplomātijas gadsimts. Latvijas diplomātijas un ārlietu dienesta pirmais gadsimts (1919-2019). Diplomātu esejās. Grāmatas idejas autors un sastādītājs Mārtiņš Drēģeris. Rīga: Apgāds Zvaigzne ABC, 2020 – 608 lpp.
ISBN 978-9934-0-8820-9

The authors of the book "A Century of Latvian Diplomacy" are diplomats and employees of the Latvian Foreign Service - Sandra Kalniete, Mārtiņš Virsis, Alberts Sarkanis, Norman Penke, Gints Jegermanis and others, who cover a wide range of foreign policy activities in their essays. The book will be of interest to specialists in international relations, political science, history and law and will open up hitherto unknown and interesting pages from the everyday life of diplomats and their observations on international relations. Each chapter is presented as a separate essay, so that the reader can choose the author and topic of interest without having to follow the chronology of the book. The book was conceived and edited by Mārtiņš Drēģeris.


Mastering supervision book/ Chelsey O.Benicio. – 2024. -112 p.
ISBN 9798332196386

The case vignette about illustrates the importance of supervision in training mental health professionals. All mental health professionals have had the experience of having their work supervised by a more seasoned mentor. Supervision is also helpful in ensuring that clients working with newer clinicians have the benefit of them being guided by someone more experienced.

Self-supervision. Psychodynamic strategies / Marc Lubin Jed Yalof. – London; Rowman&Littlefield, 2023. – 107 p.
ISBN 978-1-5381-5623-0

Dr. Marc Lubin and Dr. Jed Yalof invite future and current therapists, counselors, and their supervisors to construct ways to achieve a more extensive and effective self-awareness and develop a "self-supervisory self" for a deeper and more informed clinical practice. Grounded in psychoanalytic supervision literature, Self Supervision: Psychodynamic Strategies uses a vignette-based and instructional format to outline a clear theory and framework for teaching, learning, and strengthening one's reflective self-supervision skills. Lubin and Yalof address how to create and sustain settings conducive to self-supervision; multiple approaches to gathering critical data including note-taking, recall, and use of technology; recognizing and addressing resistance to self-supervision; and exemplars, practical tools, processes, and routines for self-reflection and incorporation of what has been learned into future sessions. Through this approach to self-supervision, therapists will unlock and articulate inner observations; gain self-awareness before, during, and after client sessions; and arrive at greater clarity about their patients.

Mindfulness and compassion in integrative supervision / Maša Žvelc and Gregor Žvelc. – Routledge, 2024. – 237 p.
ISBN 978-1-032-04654-9

Mindfulness and Compassion in Integrative Supervision presents an original integrative and transtheoretical approach to supervision that emphasises the importance of mindful awareness and compassion in supervision practice. he book embraces all main dimensions of human experience: physiological, affective, relational, cognitive, behavioural, spiritual, and contextual.
The book will have an international appeal amongst supervisors from different supervision approaches and psychotherapists/counsellors who may find it useful for their practice, self-care and the prevention of burnout.

101 coaching supervision techniques, approaches, enquiries and experiments / ed. By Michelle Lucas. – Routledge, 2020. – 362 p.
ISBN 978-0-367-48115-5

This book locates 101 practical coaching supervision techniques in their theoretical context. It is organised into ten chapters, each reflecting a different philosophical basis for the coaching supervision work: Existential, Gestalt, Person Centred, Positive Psychology, Psychodynamic, Solution Focused, Systemic, Thinking Environment, Transpersonal and finally an Eclectic chapter.
Accessible and practical, this book is a valuable resource for experienced and novice supervisors as well as their supervisees. It will inspire them to keep their supervision and coaching practices both current and fresh, offering a diverse range of techniques to experiment with.

Supervision in the helping professions / Peter Hawkins and Aisling McMahon. – McGraw Hill Open University Press. – 2020. – 332 p.
ISBN 978-0-3352-4834-6

Supervision in the Helping Professions is an essential book for supervisors across all the helping professions including social work, community work, nursing, counselling, psychotherapy, psychology, psychiatry, and the probation and prison services.