International Student Identity Card ISIC

International Student Identity Card ISIC

Dear students,

If you wanted to purchase the International Student Identity Card ISIC, please send your photo in graphic format (*. jpg) until 01.03.2025 to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and pay 7 EUR fee to the BSA bank account:

SIA “Baltijas Starptautiskā akadēmija”

Reģ. Nr. LV40003101808

Rīga, Valērijas Seiles iela 4, LV 1019

A/S “Swedbanka”


Nor.rēķ.: LV68HABA0551003662871

From the second academic year to the fourth academic year, ISIC student cards are extended for each successive subsequent year with an extension hologram sticker. It is possible to extend the term with a hologram sticker only for an active Card that has not expired. If the Card has expired, renewal with the expiration hologram is not possible and a new Card must be produced.

The price of the card extension hologram is 4.00 (four euros), including VAT.

No photo needed !