Joint graduation ceremony in Daugavpils

By mutual agreement between the Baltic International Academy and Daugavpils University, graduates of the BIA study field “Psychology” completed their bachelor’s and master’s theses in Daugavpils. The coordinators of the preparation of theses for defense were Santa Zimele, director of the academic bachelor study programme “Psychology” of Daugavpils University, and Tatjana Uzole, director of the professional master study programme “Psychology”.

The scientific supervision of students’ theses was entrusted to teaching staff of the BIA – professor Irina Plotka, associate professor Breslavs Gersons, assistant professors Biruta Urbane, Viktorija Petlaka, Jelena Lipovska.

The students and teaching staff of both higher education institutions unanimously decided to hold a joint graduation ceremony after defending theses. The event was attended by rector of Daugavpils University Arvids Barsevskis, dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Marite Kravale-Paulina, director of the Daugavpils branch of the BIA Valentina Rumjanceva, professor, head of the study field “Psychology” Irina Plotka and other lecturers of Daugavpils University and the Baltic International Academy.

The dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Daugavpils University Marite Kravale-Paulina, when presenting diplomas, cordially congratulated the graduates on the successful completion of their studies and wished them to increase the good reputation of Daugavpils University and the Baltic International Academy.

In the photos: Graduates of the BIA at the festive ceremony in Daugavpils. In the centre their mentors (from right to left) doctor of psychology Tatjana Uzole, professor Irina Plotka, doctor of psychology Santa Zimele.

Photos by Valentina Rumjanceva.