The personal exhibition of Vladimir Stolyarov “Breath of Watercolour” at the BIArt gallery has aroused well-deserved interest among students, teaching staff and guests of our Baltic International Academy. This attention is attracted by the extraordinary personality of the artist himself. He is one of the most talented graduates of the BIA master’s programme in law, worked in the police for more than thirty years, and earned a good reputation as the head of the Latgale District Police Department in Riga. He retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel. His authority and popularity among the inhabitants of Riga were deservedly increased by a dozen fascinating books about his fellow countrymen, written by him in his free time from his main job.
And his passion for watercolour inspired him to create many original watercolour paintings, which formed the basis of the personal exhibition. The titles of his works – “Waterfall in Armenia”, “Brichmulla in Uzbekistan”, “Venice in Winter”, “Rapid River in Dagestan”, “Sunny Bukhara” and others remind us that he is an avid traveller who generously shares his impressions with viewers in his watercolour paintings.
- His watercolour paintings are not only informative but also emotional, - noted the curator of the exhibition, member of the Union of Artists of Latvia Valentin Danilenko when opening the exhibition. - They are full of love for the world around us, evoke optimism and a cheerful mood.
Retired police major Valentina Nemiro, painter Valery Makovoy, director of the library “Kengarags” Inta Mezhetska, who won one of the watercolour paintings of the writer Vladimir Stolyarov in the traditional lottery, warmly congratulated the artist on the opening of the exhibition.
The exhibition is located in the educational building of the BIA at 4 Valerijas Seiles Street and will last until May 15. Admission is free during working hours of the BIA.
In the photos: Opening of the exhibition - Vladimir Stolyarov presents his watercolour paiting to Inta Mezhetskaya. Watercolour paiting from the exhibition – “Lighthouse on the Baltic sea” and the Uzbek Brichmulla glorified by bards.
Photos by Georgy Kozlov.