The third academic year of the “Silver University” began in a warm, friendly atmosphere at our Baltic International Academy. It is a charitable project of the BIA, as its classes are held free of charge for inhabitants of Riga of the silver age. In the new academic year, its endeavors were supported by a special grant from the famous charitable foundation “Nākotnes Atbalsta fonds”, which will expand the capabilities of the University.

The new academic year was opened with a friendly welcome from the Chairman of the BIA Senate Stanislav Buka. He congratulated listeners of the university on the start of new interesting and informative classes and wished them to use creatively the diverse opportunities of the university and BIA to broaden their horizons and acquire new useful skills.

Member of the board of the charitable foundation “Nākotnes Atbalsta fonds” Sergey Grodnikov, who once successfully taught at the BIA, acquainted the listeners with activities and plans of the foundation and pointed out the great importance of studies for people of silver age.

The permanent coordinator of the Silver University, professor Oksana Filina, thanked the listeners for their useful proposals to improve the study process. In particular, it is planned to organise a computer school and Latvian language courses for them. She introduced the programme of classes and lecturers who will give lectures in the new academic year. Among them are well-known lecturers Boris Heimanis, Vera Krievina, Irina Markina, Tatyana Kuzmina, Lyubov Kashirina. Among them is Oksana Filina herself, who during the first class delivered a bright and polemical lecture on the peculiarities of modern literature.

The next classes will be held on Wednesdays at 15.00 in Room 106, Lomonosova street 1/4. Both third-year listeners and beginners can participate in them.

In the photos: Chairman of the BIA Senate Stanislav Buka welcomes listeners of the “Silver University”. Coordinator of the university Oksana Filina and member of the board of the charitable foundation “Nākotnes Atbalsta fonds” Sergey Grodnikov. Listeners of the university.

Photos by Vladimir Starkov and Kristina Lyakhova.
