Ignition Qualifiers

Ignition Qualifiers

Dear Students,
This is a great opportunity to participate in the Ignition Qualifiers on October 2, 2024 (online)
Participation is fully covered by the Commercialization Reactor.
More information and registration:  https://www.commercializationreactor.com/ignition-qualifiers/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/CommercializationReactor/posts/pfbid034rkNozcnAZFPPvCdA4NPv4hSBBz3fk7w59ApDBw4uXXWB72jbAHufmd8DVzny35il
LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/posts/commercialization-reactor_online-training-program-ignition-qualifiers-activity-7234253317822935041-7YeK?utm

The Ignition Qualifiers is an award-winning 4-week online transformation program, designed for those entrepreneurial minds that are interested in creating and running a deep-tech startup, with no academic knowledge required.
Recognized as the #1 Deep Tech Program by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, this program reveals the “behind-the-scenes” of deep tech startup creation and capital attraction.
Based on Commercialization Reactor's (https://www.commercializationreactor.com/) experience of creating more that 150 Deep Tech teams and 65 invested science based startups - the program provides tools for founders to collaborate with scientists and develop innovative products and services.
The Ignition Qualifiers program starts on October 2nd and consists of 5 online 2-hour sessions spread over 4 weeks. By completing this program, participants will:

  • Learn how to navigate the decision-making process to create ventures with scientists.
  • Understand roadmaps for translating scientific achievements into business opportunities.
  • Gain insights on funding and negotiating with investors for early-stage deep tech startups.
  • Learn how to raise startup capital within three months from moment of creation as well as tips on current status of the investment climate in Europe.

Successful participants will be invited to the exclusive "Ignition Event" on December 6th and 7th, which will guide them in creating their own deep-tech startup with pre-selected scientists who will be looking for an entrepreneurial-minded partner to discover business opportunities by creating a startup together.

Participation is fully covered by the Commercialization Reactor.
More information and registration:  https://www.commercializationreactor.com/ignition-qualifiers/

[1] https://www.facebook.com/CommercializationReactor/posts/pfbid034rkNozcnAZFPPvCdA4NPv4hSBBz3fk7w59ApDBw4uXXWB72jbAHufmd8DVzny35il
[2] https://www.linkedin.com/posts/commercialization-reactor_online-training-program-ignition-qualifiers-activity-7234253317822935041-7YeK?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
[3] https://www.commercializationreactor.com/ignition-qualifiers/