Vice-Rector for Research at Baltic International Academy,, Associate Professor Vladislav Volkov has been elected as the new Rector of the Baltic International Academy. The new Rector is expected to take office on April 1
As a result of the competition announced by BIA and on the recommendation of the founders, on March 20 of this year, the Constitutional Assembly of BIA elected Vladislav Volkov as the Rector of BIA.
Vladislav Volkov is an Associate Professor, Doctor of Sociology ( and an expert at the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
Previously, in parallel with his administrative work, Vladislav Volkov was actively involved in science, heading and participating as a scientist in research projects funded locally and internationally, as well as publishing valuable research in various influential scientific journals and in the National Encyclopedia database.
BMA warmly welcomes the new rector Vladislav Volkov on his appointment and thanks long-term acting rector of BIA Svetlana Smane for her cooperation!