Amazing exhibition at the BiART gallery

This exhibition at the student gallery BiArt of our Baltic International Academy, called “Steampunk and more,” is not accidentally described by visitors as amazing one. There really are a lot of unexpected, surprising and even mysterious things.

The very retro-futuristic style “Steampunk”, generated by the technology and aesthetics of the 19th century, with its steam engines, gas lanterns and other mechanical attributes, is rare at exhibitions. And here – the exhibition presents more than fifty pieces of art, each more amazing than the other. These are specific collages in which the most diverse elements of fine art and even mechanisms are combined.

The unique originality of the works of the talented artist and designer Konstantin Ivanov was emphasized by the curator of the exhibition, member of the Union of Artists of Latvia Valentin Danilenko. He noted that steampunk helps to take a fresh look at the world around us.

Konstantin Ivanov thanked our academy and the BiArt gallery for their attention to his art and assistance in organizing a personal exhibition and answered numerous questions from visitors.

The exhibition is located in the educational building of the BIA on ¼ Lomonosova street and will last until March 1. It is freely available during open hours of the academy.

In the photos: Valentin Danilenko and Konstantin Ivanov are opening the exhibition. First visitors. “Unidentified fish” by K. Ivanov.

Photos by Vladimir Starkov.