Charity worthy of respect

A new contribution to the continuation of the charity project “SOUL SPEAKS TO SOUL” (No sirds uz dvēseli)  was made by the student gallery BiArt of our Baltic International Academy in May. It, under the leadership of its curator, member of the Union of Artists of Latvia Valentin Danilenko, together with the famous artist Alena Savyuk, created a collection of paintings and donated it to the senior boarding house in Jurmala.

-Participation in this charity project has become a common thing for artists, friends of our gallery, noted Valentin Danilenko. And their number is constantly growing. Thus, Alena Savyuk, Konstantin Ivanov, Elena Lvova, Snezhana Volynets, Olga Florinskaya, Tatyana Volokhova donated their paintings to the boarding house in Jurmala. And Maria Matveyeva and Maria Abduyeva held a workshop on teaching seniors the basics of drawing.

-This is the eighteenth boarding house we have visited in three years, says the initiator of the creation of such a good project, a longtime friend of the student gallery Alena Savyuk. “The artists have already donated them about six hundred paintings. They not only decorate the walls of boarding houses, but also delight the guests. Artists, voluntarily and involuntarily, convey to them the warmth of their souls. I am very grateful to Valentin Danilenko and other artists for their responsiveness and active participation in our charity project “SOUL SPEAKS TO SOUL”. I am glad that he constantly finds support from the BiArt gallery and artists.

In the photos: Сreative team of Alena Savyuk near boarding house “DZIMTENE”. Workshop on drawing for seniors. Artist Maria Matveyeva with a drawing of a guest of a boarding house.

Photos by Alena Savyuk