Three views on the ancient art of ebru

The international exhibition of Chinese artist Mary Zhang, Turkish artist Ozden Aydin and Irina Trumpele was well received by lecturers, students and guests of our Baltic International Academy. It was organised by the BiArt student gallery and was held at the BIA in August-September. Its title – “Three artists, three countries, three paths, but one direction – love for drawing” very accurately reflects the content and topic of the exposition.

The exhibition presented over a hundred original paintings, which willingly and unwittingly reflect three views on the ancient art of ebru, which is reasonably called drawing on water. In the works of Turkish artist Ozden Aydin, a commitment to the classical principles of ebru is visible. In the paintings of Irina Trumpele, the influence of European artistic traditions is noticeable. And the Chinese artist Mary Zhang enriched the paintings with quotes from ancient Chinese poetry written in Chinese hieroglyphs.

As the curator of the student gallery, member of the Union of Artists of Latvia Valentin Danilenko noted at the closing of the exhibition, this combination of different styles, different views, without a doubt, helps to better understand this ancient and in its own way new art of ebru. I am sure that after this exhibition, interest in it will become even greater.

In the photos: The poster of the exhibition with portraits of its participants. The initiator of the exhibition Irina Trumpele and its curator Valentin Danilenko. One of the joint paintings by Irina Trumpele and Mary Zhang.

Photos by Kristina Lyakhova.