Dear students of the study field "Science of Law"!
We inform you that on February 26 of this year, the meeting of the Study Quality Commission (SQC) was held and a decision was made to refuse the accreditation of the study field "Science of Law".
The motivated decision of SQC will be received within a month and it is appealable, therefore BIA is considering the possibility of appealing it in accordance with the procedures established by law, respecting the rights and interests of students.
All information about further options is available in "My BIA" in your personal offices.
To receive more detailed information, you can contact:
Study field "Science of Law" in Riga, phone 67100666, e-mail:
BIA Daugavpils branch, e-mail:
BIA Liepāja branch, e-mail:
BIA Administration
Advantages of the Programme
Highly qualified and competitive legal professionals for public institutions and local governments, non-public structures and commercial enterprises.
Directions of In-depth Study
Civil law, Criminal law, Maritime law.
Skills Acquired
Highly qualified and competitive legal professionals who can use their knowledge and skills in practice, as well as continue their studies in professional or academic master‘s programmes.
Career Development
In areas where legal work is required, but no legal qualifications are required
Programme Content
Legal Theory, History of State and Law, Human Rights, Administrative, Civil, Criminal, International Law, Forensics and Operational Theory, Criminology, Penitentiary Science.

The Head of Study programmes

Methodist of Study programmes
Office Hours:
Tuesday 14:00-16:00
Thursday 16:00-18:00