Turkish workshop

The lectures on gastronomic tourism and a workshop on this topic aroused great interest among students of the study direction “Hotel and restaurant service, tourism and recreation organisation” of our Baltic International Academy. They were conducted under the international exchange programme ERASMUS+ by specialists from the University of Applied Sciences from the Turkish city Isparta (Isparta University of Applied Sciences).

Lectures on the peculiarities of Turkish national cuisine and gastronomic tourism in Anatolia were given by assistant professor Dr. Gõkhan Yilmaz. After the lectures and their discussion, he and his colleague Dr. Ause Yilmaz conducted a workshop on cooking dishes of Turkish national cuisine and their use in gastronomic tourism in Turkey. They demonstrated making Turkish vegetable soup and soft Turkish cookies in the kitchen of the BIA cafe.

Summing up the results of the visit of specialists from Turkey, professor, director of the study programme “Tourism and Hospitality Management” of the BIA Zhanna Tsaurkubule noted that such simultaneous combination of theory and practical actions is undoubtedly useful for the consolidation of study material.

In the photos: Assistant Professor Dr. Gõkhan Yilmaz with BIA students after the lecture. Turkish specialists make vegetable soup. Summing up the the results of the workshop.

Photos by Polina Vinogradova.