Guest lectures in the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme

Last week, our Baltic International Academy received several guest professors from Turkey in the framework of the ERASMUS+ international exchange programme.

Professor Hünkar Güler from NİĞDE ÖMER HALİSDEMİR UNIVERSITY conducted a detailed analysis of the development of the economy of Turkey since the beginning of the XX century. Issues of sources of funding, inflation, living standards and education were discussed. His colleagues Mutlu Başaran Öztürk, Mehmet Sinan Çelik, lecturers and students of the bachelor programme “Financial Management” and the master programme “International Finance and Economics” took an active part in the discussion of this lecture.

As the director of study programmes, assistant professor of the BIA Zanna Cernostana noted when summing up the results of the meeting with scientists from NİĞDE ÖMER HALİSDEMİR UNIVERSITY, this lecture not only significantly expanded students’ understanding of the economy of Turkey, but also motivated students and lecturers to get acquainted with the peculiarities of this country.

Students and lecturers of the study programmes “European Economics and Business” and “Entrepreneurship Management” received Professor Mahmut Masca from Afyon Kocatepe University. He delivered an interesting lecture about international trade of Turkey.

The head of these study programmes Yulia Makhmudova noted the topicality of the lecture and thanked the lecturer for his informative comments.

In the photos: The lecture is delivered by Professor Hünkar Güler. Students, lecturers of the BIA and lecturers from Turkey.

Photos by Inese Ratanova.