Additional latvian language lessons

The “Silver University” for older people, which is a kind of charitable project of our academy, has gained well-deserved popularity among inhabitants of Riga. The charitable foundation “Nākotnes Atbalstu Fonds” also makes a significant contribution to its activity. Thanks to support of sponsors, this academic year it became possible to organise free Latvian language courses in addition to the main programme of the university.

As the coordinator of the “Silver University”, professor of the Baltic International Academy Oksana Filina said, they were organised at the suggestion of listeners who want to deepen their knowledge of the Latvian language. It was proposed to teach this course to the experienced lecturer Evgeny Gruznov, who has proved himself to be a good Latvian language teacher at the courses that are held at our academy for Ukrainians.

According to Evgeny Gruznov, these additional Latvian language lessons will undoubtedly be useful for listeners of the university. Since they master the Latvian language to one extent or another, it is now important for them to acquire new terms and develop speaking skills in the social sphere. Solving these tasks is quite within the capabilities of students of the “Silver University”.

In the photos: The Latvian language lesson is taught by Evgeny Gruznov. Interested listeners of the university.

Photos by Kristina Lyakhova.