Exciting celebration of BIA graduates

The most joyful time for students of our Baltic International Academy is the time of receiving their long-awaited diplomas. And this time has come for graduates of the study programmes “European Studies” and “Translation and Interpreting”.

And of course, the new certified political scientists and translators will always remember the exciting graduation evening, at which they were presented with bachelor’s or master’s diplomas by the heads of the study programmes Associate Professor Vladislav Volkov and Assistant Professor Emma Arhangelska. In honour of the graduates, the national anthem of the Republic of Latvia was played, bright summer flowers were pleasing the eye, warm congratulations from lecturers and friends were heard.

The BIA Vice-Rector for Science, Associate Professor Vladislav Volkov, Assistant Professor Emma Arhangelska, lecturers Zhanna Daragane and Julia Rastorguyeva said warm words of congratulations and farewell to the graduates. They wished the new certified political scientists and translators not to rest on their laurels, to improve their professional skills and justify the title of graduates of the Baltic International Academy with good deeds.

The graduates David Ivlev, Eduarda Hmelnitska from Latvia, Khaqan Ahmad Saim from Pakistan, Doniyor Kayumxujayev from Uzbekistan also said many kind words. In their speeches, they noted that thanks to the Baltic International Academy they not only acquired in-demand professions, but also learned a lot of new and useful things about our country.

In the photos: a group of BIA graduates with long-awaited diplomas. The BIA Vice-Rector for Science Vladislav Volkov presents a diploma to Doniyor Kayumxujayev from Uzbekistan. Assistant Professor Emma Arhangelska congratulates Khaqan Ahmad Saim from Pakistan.

Photos by Kristina Lyakhova.