The fourth academic year at the “Silver University”

The fourth academic year of the “Silver University” began in a friendly atmosphere at our Baltic International Academy. This is a unique charity project of the BIA, since classes at the University are free for silver age inhabitants of Riga. Its initiatives are also supported by a special grant from the well-known charity foundation “Nākotnes Atbalsta fonds”, which enables the University to expand its opportunities.

The permanent coordinator of the “Silver University”, BIA professor Oksana Filina warmly congratulated the students on the beginning of the academic year and acquainted them with the plans for the organisation of classes in the autumn semester. In particular, in addition to scientific and educational lectures, it is planned to organise a school for studying information technology and courses to deepen knowledge of the Latvian language. The suggestions of the lecturers Tatyana Kuzmina and Irina Markina to expand the subject matter of the classes were met with interest.

The listeners of the University were awarded certificates for successful completion of the third year. They filled out questionnaires with suggestions for improving the study process and thanked the BIA lecturers for interesting and topical lectures.

Thus, the fourth-year student Alexander Anichkin noted that studying at the “Silver University” not only broadened his horizons, but also encouraged him to resume independent studies. In his opinion, it is also important for seniors that all classes at this university are free, and the lectures are delivered by well-known BIA lecturers.

Classes at the “Silver University” will be held on Wednesdays at 15:00 in room 106, at 1/4 Valerijas Seiles Street. Both third-year students and newcomers can participate in them.

In the photos: BIA professor Oksana Filina greets the students of the “Silver University”. Lecturer Tatyana Kuzmina presents certificates to third-year students. A lively discussion is underway.

Photos by Arina Sosner and Vladimir Starkov.