International Finance and Economics

International Finance and Economics

Study Direction "ECONOMICS" is carried out according to BSA Licence No.04030-48.

The new accreditation process has started. Contract Nr. 8.6-2023/11-097.

In addition, please be informed that in accordance with the letter No 4-16e/24/17 of the Ministry of Education and Science,

You have the right to:

1) to continue and complete your studies in another University programme in the accredited field of study;

2) to complete your studies in another higher education institution, e.g. in the one with which an agreement has been concluded in accordance with Section 55 (8) of the Higher Education Law;

3) take a break from studies.

Study programme objective

Train qualified professionals with in-depth theoretical knowledge, analytical skills and research skills in the field of International Finance and Economics, who apply innovative technologies and analytical skills in the work of a modern financial expert. Prepare professionals for a successful career in the field of International Finance and Economics, as well as analytical, consulting and research activities.

  • sfv engThe process of Academic Master’s education is associated with deeper mastering in theoretical knowledge in the field of International Finance and Economics, such as Financial and Monetary Economics, Corporate Finance, International Finance and Institutions;
  • The study programme pays special attention to the study of modern challenges in the global economy and their impact on financial markets and corporate finance, the formation of sustainable finance as a new paradigm for the development of financial market;
  • You will acquire technical and analytical skills for solving big data analysis issues, decision making methods and academic writing in the field of International Finance without extensive experience in economics or finance;
  • The Academic Master's degree will provide you with additional competitive advantages for a career in international finance and will be the first step in a professional life;
  • The study programme is a logical continuation of the Professional Bachelor's programmes "Financial Management" and "European Economics and Business" implemented by the Baltic International Academy;
  • Students who successfully complete the Master study programme "International Finance and Economics" are invited to continue their studies at the BMA Doctoral programme "Regional Economics and Economic Policy".


Master of social sciences in  Finance

Career Oppoptunities

The study programme is designed for professionals who want to deepen and update their knowledge in the field of International Finance and Economics, specialists who want to master analytical skills in Finance Management based on the use of modern technologies, and for graduates who want to specialise in International Finance.

Programme Content

  • Monetary Theory and Politics;
  • Global Economy and International Finance;
  • Corporate Financial Management and Risk Analysis;
  • Innovation Finance;
  • Data Analysis and Business Modelling;
  • Econometrics;
  • Social Responsibility and Business Ethics;
  • Developing a Master's Thesis.

Master’s study programme "International Finance and Economics" course description



Head of the Study programme

Zhanna Chernostan
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Office Hours:
Tuesday 14:00-16:00
Thursday 16:00-18:00