Licensing and accreditation data
Study direction "Science of Law" is carried out according to BIA License No.04030.
The new accreditation process has started. Agreement Nr.6-2023/11-098.
In addition, please be informed that in accordance with the letter No 4-16e/24/17 of the Ministry of Education and Science,
You have the right to:
1) to continue and complete your studies in another University programme in the accredited field of study;
2) to complete your studies in another higher education institution, e.g. in the one with which an agreement has been concluded in accordance with Section 55 (8) of the Higher Education Law;
3) take a break from studies.
Skills Acquired
Finds, analyses, interprets and applies legal norms, develops, analyses and confirms legal documents, gives legal opinions and provides legal assistance, performs activities in civil, administrative, criminal process, Constitutional Court process and does research of scientific significance on jurisprudence.
Career Development
Sworn notary, lawyer, bailiff, prosecutor, judge, insolvency administrator, executive positions in public institutions and local governments
Programme Content
Criminal law, Civil law, International (EU) law
The Head of Study programmes
Methodist of Study programmes
Office Hours:
Tuesday 14:00-16:00
Thursday 16:00-18:00