BIA Competition. Budget-funded place for students, applying for 1st year 1st semester of the main study programs, according the regulation on the Competition. Citizens and non-citizens of the Republic of Latvia are eligible for scholarships.
Excellent Student's Discount. Provided to the students on the basis of the results of the previous examination period. If all subjects are passed on marks 8-10, there are no financial and academiсs debts; student regularly participates in scientific conferences and public life of BIA. The discount is granted to students of basic study programs (short cycle and Bachelor's degree). It is not summed with a semester tuition discount.
Discount for high achievements and participation in BIA life. For members of the Student Parliament. For activists - participants of Student organizations, who regularly fill a written report on their own activities, continiously communicate with structural units of BIA and participate in events. For athlets organizing sports events and representing BIA at sport competitions. It is provided for students without academic and financial debts.
Discount for the course leaders, who regularly fill a written report on their own activities, continiously communicate with structural units of BIA and participate in events.
Discount "Attract to the studies one more student!" 10% - if a foreign student of BIA attracts one student to study. 15% - if a student of BIA attracts two or more students. The discount is available for one (current) year of studies.
10%, 15%
Family Discount***. For the first degree relatives or a spouse, who are studying in the BIA at the same time and don't have financial and academic debts. Discounts are provided for BIA students: for the second family member - 10%, for the third family member - 25%.
10%, 25%
Relative of the BIA alumnus***. The discount is granted to relative of the BIA alumnus (first degree relatives or a spouse), who successfully graduated BIA Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree or Doctoral Degree programs.
Discount for repeated studies. In the absence of financial debts for the previos stuy period. Shal apply once.
Discount "Goda ģimene 3+"(for EU citizens and non-citizens).
Discount on tuition payment for one academic year (two semesters). Discount from the tuition fee: -10% - EU and LR citizens.
Discount for foreign students - BIA alumnus, entering Master's Degree Programs.
Discount for the alumnus of the College of Acoounting and Finance (GFK), entering senior year in BIA.
Discount for the alumnus of Rga Civil Aviation Engineers Institute (RCAII) and Riga Aviation University (RAU).
Discount for BIA co-operation partners - Organizations and Local Government employees. Discount is granted to representatives of companies and organizations with which cooperation is taking place (within the framework of cooperation agrements).
Discount based on previous education results. 15% - applicants entering into the 1st semester until August 25th, provided that the average GPA score in the previous education document is not less than 7.5 (for applicants, who entered into basic study programs, the Certificates for all Centralized examinations shall correpond to A-C levels or corresponding to the percentage limits of these levels). Discount is provided for EU citizens and non-citizens. 25% - BIA Diploma's with Honors holders.
15%, 25%
Social Discount*** (for EU citizens and non-citizens)
group III disabled persons
group II disabled persons
group I disabled persons
***that Discounts can be summarized, otherwise is charged the highest Discount.